Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Short Guide to Capitalization

A Short Guide to Capitalization A capital letter is the form of an alphabetical letter (such as A, B, C) used to begin a  proper noun  or the first word in a sentence. A capital letter is an uppercase letter in contrast to lower case. Verb: capitalize. Also known as  majuscule, uppercase, upper-case, block letter, and caps. In classical Greek and Latin writing, only capital letters (also called majuscules) were used. Examples and Observations By the sixth and seventh centuries the various letter forms we now use had been invented . . .. From the ninth century on all writing in the Latin alphabet, in whatever style or hand, used capital and small-letter pairs as we do now.(Thomas A. Sebeok, Current Trends in Linguistics, 1974)A capital is always used for the first letter of a sentence. It is a universal rule. But the same cannot be said for the capitalization of names or proper nouns. Style varies wildly betweenand even withinpublications such as national newspapers and magazines. Apply commonsense rules. All names of people and placesPeter Cook, Paraguay, Piccadilly Circustake capitals. All titles of specific works of artCitizen Kane, the Mona Lisa, Beethovens Fifth Symphony, Anna Kareninatake a capital. Languages and nationalitiesEnglish, the Frenchtake capitals. Institutionsthe Houses of Parliament, the White House, the Anglican Churchtake capitals. Days, months and formally defined periods of historyMonday, February, t he Middle Agestake capitals. . . .Words deriving from proper names usually take a capitalas Christian from Christ and Marxist from Marx. But some such words, known as eponyms, have come into everyday use and no longer take a capital.(Ned Halley, Dictionary of Modern English Grammar. Wordsworth, 2005) She laid the folded newspaper on the counter between us, and my eye caught the words DISASTER, FAILURE and CRASH.(Eva Figes, Nellys Version. Secker Warburg, 1977) Trends in Capitalization I am a poet: I distrust anything that starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (Antjie Krog)Times have changed since the days of medieval manuscripts with elaborate hand-illuminated capital letters, or Victorian documents in which not just proper names, but virtually all nouns, were given initial caps (a Tradition valiantly maintained to this day by Estate Agents). A look through newspaper archives would show greater use of capitals the further back you went. The tendency towards lowercase, which in part reflects a less formal, less deferential society, has been accelerated by the internet: some web companies, and many email users, have dispensed with capitals altogether.(David Marsh and Amelia Hodsdon, Guardian Style, 3rd ed. Guardian Books, 2010)If in doubt use lower case unless it looks absurd.(The Economist Style Guide. Profile Books, 2005) The Lighter Side of Capital Letters He believed in a door. He must find that door. The door was the way to . . . to . . .The Door was The Way.Good.Capital letters were always the best way of dealing with things you didnt have a good answer to.(Douglas Adams, Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency. Pocket Books, 1987) Carol Fisher: This is Scott ffolliott. Newspaperman, same as you. London correspondent. Mr. Haverstock, Mr. ffolliott.Scott ffolliott: With a double f.Johnny Jones: How do you do?Scott ffolliott: How do you do?Johnny Jones: I dont get the double f.Scott ffolliott: Theyre at the beginning, old boy. Both small fs.Johnny Jones: They cant be at the beginning.Scott ffolliott: One of my ancestors had his head chopped off by Henry VIII, and his wife dropped the capital letter to commemorate the occasion. There it is.Johnny Jones: How do you say it, like a stutter?Scott ffolliott: No, just straight fuh.(Laraine Day, George Sanders, and Joel McCrea in Foreign Correspondent, 1940)

Sunday, November 24, 2019

What Caused the French Revolut essays

What Caused the French Revolut essays France had a large population and prosperous trade during the 1700's. It was considered to be the most advanced country of Europe. However, when high taxes and disturbing questions about the Enlightenment were sprung upon the French citizens, mainly the Third Estate of the Old Regime, the people needed a change. King Louis XVI left these problems of France unresolved and contributed to new dilemmas. Thus the French Revolution was started by such causes as the thoughts of Voltaire and Rousseau in the Enlightenment, weak leadership by King Louis XVI in his incapability to solve France's financial problems, and the sudden power felt by the French radicals. The once powerful economy of the French was ruined as taxes corrupted their trade and production industries. As the population rose, the price of living did as well. While the French people reached a stage of starvation, King Louis XVI reached a large debt. As Louis' weak leadership qualities increased their debt, which doubled after the financial costs of helping the Americans in their war against the British, he and his wife spent more on extravagant indulgences. The crisis was put off until France faced bankruptcy when a meeting of the Estates-General was called approving for a tax reform. However, this tax reform lead to a reform dictated by the people of France. The Old Regime remained in place in France in the 1770's excluding the third estate from any form of equality. As this group, making up 98 percent of the population, was educated about the Enlightenment ideas of equality, liberty, and democracy their resentment began to build. Great philosophers such as Voltaire and Rousseau used the success of the American Revolution to wet the appetites of the Third Estate for freedom. The merchants, farmers, and peasants of France needed a guide or spokesperson, which they found in Abbe Sieyes, a sympathetic clergyman for the radica ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

To what extent can Chandlers model of large-scale, integrated Essay

To what extent can Chandlers model of large-scale, integrated managerial enterprise explain the long-term competitiveness of leading economies - Essay Example Expressing my opinion, this model has not been followed entirely by all the leading economies in the world. To be discussed in the essay is a brief explanation of Chandler’s theory of large scale managerial enterprise its applications and bottlenecks. I will provide justification of my opinion by using the enterprise system in Japan and China with a focus on the role externalities such as the availability of funds, role of the government as well as business networks and groups. With these, examples this paper will explain the theories of capitalism and entrepreneurship and how they have enabled those using the system gain competitive advantage. Chandler’s concept of the visible hand premises the origin of the firm and its growth prospects. He argues that the existence of the firm is fundamentally to achieve coordination in an effective manner than the market in order to enjoy productivity gains. When the gains are easily realized, economies of scale set in. The model has specific problems associated with it. First, a managerially controlled firm is non-maximiser and thus high profit rates are not as objective and thus cannot be used to measure competitive advantage. Second, the firm though being an efficient cost minimiser, the benefits are not observable since they are being absorbed by high executive salaries and managerial perquisites. According to Chandler (1997, p14) managerial enterprise is defined as the modern enterprise with numerous operating units carrying out specific functions of production and distribution. It can also be termed as governance structure where investment decisions for current and future activities are made following management hierarchy with expertise and knowledge. All the managers are charged with the responsibility of efficient management of the organizations and they are salaried managers answerable to the board of governors. The large scale

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

In instruction box Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

In instruction box - Essay Example It is indeed not an uncommon phenomenon to encounter businesses marketing and selling their products online either through their own portals or by relying on sites owned and managed by third parties. In the first case, the company produces and markets the product online without necessarily relying on players in the traditional distribution channel such as distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. This paper will discuss how technological advancements and the Internet have impacted product distribution in the world today. The Case of Fujian Wanhua Electron and Technology Company Limited One company that relies on the Internet to distribute its products is the Fujian Wanhua Electron and Technology Company Limited. The company is based in China and was established in 1996 (Fujian Wanhua Electron & Technology Co. Ltd., 2013). The company produces a variety of electrical and electronic appliances for home, business, office, and corporate use. Some of the products that the company manufact ures and markets include car alarm systems, cordless telephone communication systems, network management systems, and home/office wireless burglar systems (Fujian Wanhua Electron & Technology Co. Ltd., 2013). ... Advantages of Direct Online Distribution of Products There are several advantages associated with direct distribution of products using the Internet. One main advantage with this method of distribution is its association with low overhead costs according to Time (2013). What this means is that the company is able to make a bigger profit that it would with the inclusion of intermediaries. This is the case considering that the company does not share the profits it gets with the intermediaries. Furthermore, a business that does direct online distribution is guaranteed to reach a global audience (Time, 2013). For example, although Fujian Wanhua Electron and Technology Company Limited is based in China, many people know about it or at least about its products across the globe. This may not be the case with businesses that rely on the traditional method of distribution. In many cases, they end up having a market that is limited in reach and therefore a smaller capital base. Yet another adv antage of direct distribution through the Internet is that it offers customers/consumers a lot of convenience (Time, 2013). Consumers can get to shop for the products they desire at any time of the day or night and at their convenience wherever they are as long as they have access to the Internet. What this means is that the consumers are not limited to shopping by time. Since intermediaries are not involved in the transactions, the customers benefit from the direct arrangement in that they get products at prices much cheaper than they would otherwise get with the involvement of intermediaries (Gillai & Lee, 2009). Many customers tend to like the idea of dealing directly with product producers (Time, 2013). Furthermore, the customers are more likely to receive superior customer care

Monday, November 18, 2019

Management and the Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Management and the Organization - Essay Example This paper also involves the discussion about the advantages that vertical integration brings for the business.In order to understand the concept of vertical integration, let us first examine the contrary concept of horizontal integration. The term horizontal integration implies an organization which is consolidated or merged with another (or other) businesses with similar activities and operations. An example of horizontal integration is the merger of two small schools. Both the organization has almost similar operations, aims, and methods. The merger of such organizations may bring economies of scale, reduced overhead expenses and so on. On the other hand, vertical integration is the concept which describes â€Å"the coordination or linkage of different units or stages of the production process† (Heshmat 2001, p.101). An example of such integration may be the consolidation or coordination of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors in order to avoid the time overlap. This kind of coordination helps in maintaining the overall lifecycle and production process of a product. It helps in identifying the true worth, life, and cost of a product. Such coordination skillfully manages the production process without any delays in getting raw material from the supplier, unnecessary delays in production or unavailability of the product when the distributor or seller needs it. Hence, companies integrate vertically in order to make their business more accurate in terms of availability, quality, and costs. Vertically integrated organizations are more reliable in terms of quality as, for instance in production businesses, the integration of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors help in maintaining the quality standards using the same quality of material every time in the production process.In conclusion, we can say that the organization may choose between the structures of the organization depending on a number of factors. These factors include but are not limit ed to the size, resources, and nature of the business. Some businesses adopt vertical integration approach owing to the benefits this approach may bring. However, the decision of opting for vertical, horizontal or some other approach depends on the advantages it brings and the ability to stand the disadvantages associated with it. Managers must think critically and weigh between the positive and negative outcomes of choosing any approach before applying it practically. The short term and long term benefits and loses must be accounted for before adopting any approach. A vertical integration approach is helpful in reducing costs but is difficult to manage. Hence, there is a need to carefully consider each aspect of business’s operations which are affected by vertical integration approach before adopting it.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Limitations of Access Control Lists in Network Security

Limitations of Access Control Lists in Network Security On the Limitations of Access Control Lists (ACL’s) in Network Security In basic security parlance, the Access Control List (ACL) directly determines which parties can access certain sensitive areas of the network. Usually, there are several. One enables general access to the network, which includes non-sensitive information about company policy and operations (Verma 2004). Access is granted to a general audience and all personnel within the organisation. Confidential files and sensitive data, however, would only be available to a limited number of people, which would be specified. Such delicate information is often only available when accessing a certain terminal. For example, our hypothetical travel agency will allow only the network manager on a particular terminal to PING the proxy servers from the internal LAN as well as deny connections from the Internet to those hosts with private source IP addresses. As with any company, the travel agency wishes to protect its sensitive information from hackers and fellow competitors. The network administrator cr eated ACL’s congruent with the company’s security policy. However, additional protocols will need to be implemented in order to offer the agency the full protection it needs. The purpose of this essay is to highlight the vulnerabilities and limitations of the ACL and suggest supplementary protocols to ensure tighter security. Peter Davis (2002) identified six vulnerabilities of the ACL in the context of testing Cisco’s routers. First, because the ACL will not block the non-initial fragments of a packet, then the router will fail to block all unauthorized traffic. ‘By sending an offending traffic in packet fragments, it is possible to circumvent the protection offered by the ACL’ (Davis 2002). Secondly, if one were to send packet fragment traffic to the router, it is likely that there would be a denial-of-service on the router itself. This is because the router fails to acknowledge the keyword fragment when a user sends a packet specifically to the router (Davis 2002). Third, there is the odd phenomenon of the unresponsive router. ‘The router ignores the implicit deny ip any any rule at the end of an ACL when you apply an ACL of exactly 448 entries to an interface as an outgoing ACL’ (Davis 2002). The result of this would compromise the integrity of network security, as the ACL will not drop the packets. Fourth, modern routers allow support for the fragment keyword on an outbound ACL. In previous models, only the inbound ACL provided support for this keyword while ignoring the outbound ACL (Davis 2002). Fifth, the outbound ACL may fail to prevent unauthorized traffic on a router when the administrator configures an input ACL on some interfaces of the multi-port Engine 2 line card. ‘Any ACL you apply at the ingress point will work as expected and block the desired traffic. This vulnerability can cause unwanted traffic in and out of the protected network’ (Davis 2002). Last of all, even the fragment keyword is not sufficient to get the ACL to filter packet fragments, which would enable an individual or corporation to exploit this weakness—attacking systems that are supposed to be shielded by the ACL on the router (Davis 2002). To avoid many of these pitfalls, Davis recommends that administrators routinely filter packet fragments. Although filtering may be useful, it is insufficient in preventing security breaches according to Kasacavage and Yan (2002). Without supplementary processes, packet filtering will fail to identify the originator of the data, and it would fail to prevent a user from gaining access to a network behind the router. Thus, the creation of extended ACL’s along with the standard is very important. ‘Standard ACL’s can only filter based on the source address and are numbered 0 through 99’(Prosise Mandia, p. 429). Extended ACL’s, in contrast, can filter a greater variety of packet characteristics and are numbered 100-199. In other words, each object is supposed to enforce its unique access control policy (Sloot 1999). For instance, the ACL commands are applied in order of precedence and the second rule will not allow the packets denied by the first rule, even if the second rule does permit that (Prosise Mandia). Filling in the Gaps One recommendation for securing a private network is to use a firewall such as a DMZ LAN. Essentially, it does not have any connections save the router and firewall connections (Kasacavage Yan 2002). This would force all packets of all networks (public and private) to flow through the firewall. This greatly diminishes the breaches common in security systems employing mainly ACL’s as direct unprotected connection with the Internet is judiciously avoided. The problem with the router mentioned by Davis in the previous section was its failure to filter packets going in one direction, or outbound ACL’s with specific identifiers. Installing a firewall at each locus connected to the Internet is highly recommended (Kasacavage Yan 2002). Like most aspects of technology, the ACL must be updated quite frequently. However, this gives the individual employed in this task a high degree of latitude, which is why access to this function must be strictly controlled (Liu Albitz 2006). ‘In order to use dynamic updates, you add an allow-update or update-policy substatement to the zone statement of the zone that you’d like to make updates to†¦it’s prudent to make this access control list as restrictive as possible’ (Liu Albitz 2006, p. 232). As wireless communications technology continues to revolutionize the way people do business, another issue that will concern security administrators is the increase of wireless LAN attacks that result in the loss of proprietary information and a loss of reputation as customers become leery of a company that can easily lose personal data (Rittinghouse Ransome 2004). Most wireless networks identify individual users via the Service Set Identifier (SSID) in such a way that would repel wireless LAN attacks that greatly compromise network security by using the ACL that comes standard with WLAN equipment. Because all devices have a Media Access Control (MAC) address, ‘the ACL can deny access to any device not authorized to access the network’ (Rittinghouse Ransome 2004, p. 126). However, other host-based intrusion detection software such as Back Orifice, NukeNabber, and Tripwire are also instrumental in preventing these attacks. In sum, although it would be impossible to create an impregnable security system, it is necessary to ensure that the system one employs is extremely difficult to breach, with very little profit for their troubles. By identifying the six most significant issues ACL’s face and exploring other ways that network administrators can close the gaps, more sophisticated security protocols can be put into operation. However, while security systems are correcting their weaknesses, computing experts on either side of the law are still finding ways to circumvent them. Controlling access to sensitive data is a necessity in any network, even in an informal file-sharing network. With the enclosed ACL’s, the agency shall be able to successfully diminish its odds of a security breach. Bibliography Davis, P.T. (2002), Securing and controlling Cisco routers, London: CRC Press. [Online at] Kasacavage, V. Yan, W. (2002), Complete Book of Remote Access: Connectivity and Security, London: CRC Press Liu, C. Albitz, P. (2006), DNS and BIND: Fifth Edition, Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media Inc. Prosise, C. Mandia, K. (2003), Incident Response Computer Forensics, New York: McGraw Hill Professional Rittinghouse, J.W. Ransome, J.F. (2004), Wireless Operational Security, Oxford: Digital Press Sloot, P., Bubak, M., Hoekstra, A. Hertzberger, R. (1999), High-Performance Computing and Networking, New York: Springer Verma, D.C. (2004), Legitimate Applications of Peer-to-Peer Networks, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, by Erving Goffman

The book I chose to do my paper on is â€Å"Stigma Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity† by Erving Goffman. Goffman was stood out from other sociologists because he did not follow the normal rules that the others lived by. This rebellion often was thought to be caused by his lack of professional manners, and made it difficult for some to be in his company. However, Goffman was not like other sociologists due to his love was data not simply sociology. He primarily exhibited his work via essays and believed in not expecting too much because he realized that only so much could be achieved with the current level of knowledge in micro social science. The idea of not expecting too much led to Goffman adopting a naturalistic view of social science in an attempt to understand the micro social world. His first naturalism belief was that you must go out and observe. Secondly, he believed that we are each a natural control group, and that we can get gauge theories based on the compatibility that they have with our own lives. Thirdly, Goffman felt that it was necessary to â€Å"get a good initial database†, and that it was ok to look beyond the typical sources. His sources consisted of whatever he deemed worthy, which goes in hand with his fourth belief of being open to various data sources. Goffman’s fifth and final naturalism belief was that multiple data sources should be used. Naturalism made Goffman stick out from other theorists, but that was just one of many things that made him unusual. His preference of neither process nor structure made him even more unusual when compared with other social scientists. His unwillingness to prefer one over the other was born from doing so would be denying human beings and human social organizations ... ...dling us â€Å"normal† people and looking beyond our unkindness or rudeness (Goffman, 1963, p. 116). Contrary to what most probably think there is not always much difference between normal and stigmatized people. After all we are all susceptible to a sudden physical stigma or the removal of a physical stigma (Goffman, 1963, p. 132). Some people are also able to deviate from the social norms without being classified as stigmatized (Marley, 2008). Works Cited Goffman, E. (1963). Stigma Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. New York: Simon & Schuster Inc. Marley, J. (2008, November 6). Book Review: Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. Retrieved March 9, 2011, from The Amazing World of Psychiatry: A Psychiatry Blog: Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, by Erving Goffman The book I chose to do my paper on is â€Å"Stigma Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity† by Erving Goffman. Goffman was stood out from other sociologists because he did not follow the normal rules that the others lived by. This rebellion often was thought to be caused by his lack of professional manners, and made it difficult for some to be in his company. However, Goffman was not like other sociologists due to his love was data not simply sociology. He primarily exhibited his work via essays and believed in not expecting too much because he realized that only so much could be achieved with the current level of knowledge in micro social science. The idea of not expecting too much led to Goffman adopting a naturalistic view of social science in an attempt to understand the micro social world. His first naturalism belief was that you must go out and observe. Secondly, he believed that we are each a natural control group, and that we can get gauge theories based on the compatibility that they have with our own lives. Thirdly, Goffman felt that it was necessary to â€Å"get a good initial database†, and that it was ok to look beyond the typical sources. His sources consisted of whatever he deemed worthy, which goes in hand with his fourth belief of being open to various data sources. Goffman’s fifth and final naturalism belief was that multiple data sources should be used. Naturalism made Goffman stick out from other theorists, but that was just one of many things that made him unusual. His preference of neither process nor structure made him even more unusual when compared with other social scientists. His unwillingness to prefer one over the other was born from doing so would be denying human beings and human social organizations ... ...dling us â€Å"normal† people and looking beyond our unkindness or rudeness (Goffman, 1963, p. 116). Contrary to what most probably think there is not always much difference between normal and stigmatized people. After all we are all susceptible to a sudden physical stigma or the removal of a physical stigma (Goffman, 1963, p. 132). Some people are also able to deviate from the social norms without being classified as stigmatized (Marley, 2008). Works Cited Goffman, E. (1963). Stigma Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. New York: Simon & Schuster Inc. Marley, J. (2008, November 6). Book Review: Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. Retrieved March 9, 2011, from The Amazing World of Psychiatry: A Psychiatry Blog:

Sunday, November 10, 2019

An Account of the Purchase of a Television Set in Singapore

CASE 5 : AN ACCOUNT OF THE PURCHASE OF A TELEVISION SET IN SINGAPORE Question 1 : What are the different stages in the buying process for a television set? What critical stimuli or events drive each stage? The buying decision process is a basic psychological process. This process plays an important role in understanding how customers make their buying decision. In this case, the consumer are planning to purchase a bigger television set, which can be placed in their living room, while the current television will be moved to their bedroom.Referring to the case, there are five different stages in the buying process for a television sets which are problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and post purchase behavior. STAGE MODEL| DESCRIPTION| a) Problem recognition| * The buying process is start with problem recognition. A need can be activated through internal and external stimuli. * As a consumer, they have to recognize a problem occurred and the needs of the new television set.In this, the external problem occurred when her parent in law decided to move in with them. The purpose of buying new television is to give more appropriate environment and to avoid conflicts with her parent in choosing the television programs. Besides that, it is to give a better perception to the relative. While the internal stimuli derived when * Their budget for the new television set is RM 1300 only. | b) Information Search| * After problem recognition, the consumer tries to solve it and gathers the sources and information about the television set.There are four consumer information sources which is : i) Personal sources ( family, relatives, friends, neighbors etc) ii) Commercial sources (advertisement, salesman, dealers) iii) Public sources (mass media, consumer rating organizations) iv) Experiential sources (handling, examining, using the products) * In this case, they have started browsing a newspapers and magazines, browsing an internet and website to compare the different models available in market. In order to get more information, they also get a recommendation from their friends and colleagues.Besides that, they also make a visit to the household shop to learn about the product specifically. | c) Evaluation of alternative| * After collected the information, the consumer have to clarify and evaluates the alternatives that they find out. First, they have to clarify a need of a new television set. * In this case, they plan to have a new television set when their parents decided to move in to their house. This is to avoid conflicts with their parents in choosing the television programs and to give a better perception to their family. Besides that, they have to look at the benefit from the product selected. As a consumer, they have to choose which television will give more benefit to them and can satisfy their needs. | d) Purchase decision| * Evaluation behavior leads the consumer to form a ranked set of preferences . In making buying decision, they will consider a few factors which is a) Attitude of others such as husband, family, relatives, friend. b) Anticipated situational such as expected family income, expected total cost of the product and the expected benefits from the product. ) Unanticipated situational as look or manner of the salesman * In executing a purchase intention, the consumer have to make up five sub decision : a) Brands, b) Dealer c) Quantity d) Timinge) Payment method (cash or credit card) * At this stage, the consumer has to choose either JVC 29† flat screen or Panasonic 29†. * For JVC 29† flat screen, the television set was came with four years warranty, special discounts of 15% and will get a free gift; JVC VCD worth of S$180. The model also has a futuristic look and matched with their furniture. However, the price was slightly higher than their estimated budget. While for Panasonic 29†, the television set was come with one year warranty, no free gift and the price was lower from their budget. * Finally, after evaluate and considering all the factors and recommendations, they have decided to purchase the JVC 29† flat screen model although the price exceeded their budget. | e) Post purchase behavior| * After buying and trying the product, the consumer will feel some level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction and the level of satisfaction depends very much on the expectation and the product’s perceived performance. In this case, the consumer is very satisfied and happy with the television set because it matches up to her expectations. | Question 2 : What are the social and psychological factors influencing the buying process for a television set? In the buying process of a television set, there are social and psychological factors that will influence the consumer. The social factors influences customer buying decision includes culture, subculture, social class, reference group and family. Culture is the set of beli ef, attitudes and behavior patterns shared by members of the society and transmitted form one generation to the next.For example, most of the Singaporeans will spend much of their free time at home watching television. So the television set is an important household appliance for every family. Reference group includes a variety of groups that effect consumer behaviors through normative compliance. In this case, reference group that influencing them in buying process are referring to family consist of husband, wife, parents and relatives. While the psychological factors influencing the buying process of a television set are motivation, perception, learning and memory.Motivation will drive a person to act in achieving their needs. In this case, the consumer has many needs such as privacy, esteem, belongings and discomfort. In achieving their needs, the consumer will collect all the information and evaluate the alternative that they find out in choosing the best television set. Questio n 3 : What lesson can be learnt for the marketing of television sets from understanding the consumer buying process and influences? Perception is the process when the consumer select, organize and interprets information.In this scenario, the consumer has been influenced by the salesman about the quality and performance of the television set after he explained the features and functions of the different models. The features of the message and the way it is communicated was influenced the consumer perceptions. Learning involves the changes in an individual’s behavior arising from the experience. In this case, the consumer has learned from the salesman/salesgirl behavior, such as when they went to the Courts, no salesperson entertain them and at the Electric City & Best Connection, the sales person failed to give the best services to her customer.These bad experiences have change the interest of the consumer to buy television set with them. Memory is all about the information an d experiences that have been encounter as they go through their life. In the stages of the buying television set, the consumer will influence with the famous and high quality brand of television in Singapore. In the marketing of television sets, understanding the consumer buying process is very important. As the marketer, they must identify needs, wants and demands of the consumers. They also have to consider all the buying process factors and try to provoke the feeling of risk in the consumer perception.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Egyptian find essays

Egyptian find essays Critique (#1) of. Researchers find earliest alphabet-Egyptian find predates existing writing by two or three centuries. Bone, J.(1999, January). Researchers find earliest alphabet-Egyptian find predates existing writing by two or three centuries [8 paragraphs]. International Journal of Forensic Document Examiners, 37-39. American archeologists have found what they believe are the earliest examples of alphabetic writing at Wadi el-Hol, or The Gulch of Terror, on an ancient travel route outside Luxor. They found two inscriptions in a limestone cliff. This discovery gives researchers evidence to believe that the first alphabet was created by Semitic mercenaries and merchants two or threes centuries earlier then believed. Also, at this particular site evidence indicates the alphabet was the invention of ordinary people who rendered writing simpler and democratic by removing it from the official scribe who had mastered the complex system of hieroglyphics. Scholars that are familiar with the early Semitic alphabets they can recognize certain figures in the inscriptions. The symbol for M appears to be a wavy line derived from the hieroglyphic sign for water. The letter A apparently grew out of the pictogram for an ox head, while Semitic B developed from the image of a house. The letters A and B wer e eventually absorbed into Greek, which gave the western world the alphabet (Bone,1999,p.37). This find by the archeologist is very important, it will give us more of an idea of how are current alphabet was created. They give the letter M for an example of water; maybe it means more then just water, how about high waters or rough waters. Perhaps if we are able to read the early alphabets we will unlock secrets that mankind has searched for hundreds of years for. The biggest flaw in this article is they have evidence at the same site that gives them two different indications on who invented the first alphabet. These cont...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Career Path to Journalism Essays

Career Path to Journalism Essays Career Path to Journalism Essay Career Path to Journalism Essay Sports media has changed the way sports are viewed today. Sports reporters live their job. They do this in order to give their audience concise explanations of their views on the current sports world. Sports reporters go through a specified career path, and are highly trained to perform their job at the highest level. I plan on taking the specified route, putting in time, and making sports a priority in my life in order to become a household name in sports. As an accomplished reporter, I will travel all over the world to report back to the U. S. as a primary source of sports information. The career path to becoming a journalist is very specific, and starts early. Writing is the major skill needed to be a touted reporter, so it is necessary to put an emphasis on English early in one’s education (WISCareers NP). Besides English, there are other classes that are not mandatory, yet very beneficial. Journalism and the performing arts are very helpful classes for any reporter (WISCareers NP). Through journalism I will learn skills specific to a future career in the field. Through performing arts I will become comfortable performing live, a skill essential to any broadcasting career. After high school comes the most indispensible part of any journalist’s career. With the exception of special cases, all journalists require a minimum of a four-year bachelors degree in journalism to obtain a job (WISCareers NP). I plan on attending The University of Texas, Austin(UT), where I will major in sports journalism. UT has a highly touted journalist program that will teach me specific skills essential to a career in journalism (Education Portal NP). I also plan on completing a minor in broadcasting production. Doing so will teach me what is done behind the scenes. That valuable knowledge gives me the flexibility to work on set or behind the camera. Having multiple skills that directly apply to journalism will serve me well when I need to â€Å"climb the ladder†. There is a vast field of reporters that is filled with cutthroat competition. To excel to great success one must have to be unique, have honed skills, and have passion for sports. Reporters are judged by their audience, an inferior one sticks out. Poor reporters take away from the sport, and are the subject of extensive ridicule. To elevate to the top level of reporting, one must learn how to put their own mark on all of their work, and prove their quality through experience. You should make an especially strong effort to land a summer or part-time job on the local newspaper; constant new experiences are the key to becoming a good sportswriter. These experiences will greatly enhance your ability to obtain a full-time position following graduation† (Heitzmann 54). Traditionally, the standard way to do this would be to start at a small news group, but do to the forecasted 7% decrease in job availability over the next 10 years in Wisconsin, I am going to take an alternative route to my success (WISCareers NP). Even though the field is downsizing, I plan on entering the competition by utilizing the new vastly growing region of the industry: digital social networking (WISCareers NP). With Facebook nearly adding more than 150,000 members a day (TIME NP), I will make my first splash as a reporter on my own internet series. Through self-employment I will not have to rely on my employers to give me opportunities to showcase my ability, and hope for a job. Instead, through self-employment I will hold my own destiny in my hands. By producing and staring in my series, I will showcase what I have learned at The University of Texas Austin. Pushing my show through blooming digital social networks, my show will gain a following, and in turn boost my reputation, pushing me into the spotlight. Reporters generally start with a low salary, and can only increase their pay if they prove themselves in the field by creating fan base. The average starting pay level for sports journalism in Wisconsin is $17,890 per year, and $19,650 per year nationally (WISCareers NP). Once I accumulate a following, I take my talents to the next level and apply at ESPN for a job opening either in front, or behind the camera. There I will have to work my way from behind the scene on stage, from minor to major roles, and eventually becoming a major contributor as a major sports analyst. While in the spotlight I will reach the national top pay level of $74,000 per year, and I will eventually surpass it as I reach celebrity status (WISCareers NP). As a key member of ESPN, I will receive major opportunities that otherwise would not be available. I will have the opportunity to travel to major league stadiums to cover games, attend championships, report internationally at the Olympics, and meet both current, and former athletes while getting paid. Once I gain seniority at ESPN, I will be living any diehard sports fan’s dream. As a sports reporter, everything one does is dedicated to being the best source for all sports related news. The obvious part of being a reporter is hat happens in front of the camera, and in the magazines; covering, reporting, and breaking down current events in sports culture. However what happens in between all that is far more important. To be a top-notch reporter I must eat, sleep, and live sports. That means when I am not in the studio or office reporting, I must watch all the major games, and keep up to date with all the happenings in sports in order to have one’s own detailed and unique opinion on all major plots, and subplots. In general; I must be up to speed with all things sports. As a sports reporter, I will work year round in many locations, at all hours of the day and night. To start my career, I will work from my home during the day, as I try to create a reputation as an esteemed reporter. Early in my career I will only travel to cover live events when I feel necessary, and when I can afford the expense of travel. Since the trips will be on my own dollar, it is unlikely that I will make many trips outside local, or regional games. When I take my talents the next level, I will spend all my time, year round, in Bristol, Connecticut, at the ESPN studios. There, I will spend a lot of time behind the scenes in the office, working at night producing, and writing as I wait for my shot at fame. As I begin to get roles in front of the camera, I will start at night during less desirable hours as I work to gain experience at the next level. As I excel, I will be promoted and constantly shifted to more prime or desirable hours, in order to increase my exposure. Eventually, I will be working for the five o’clock prime time SportsCenter; only then will I gain the opportunities for major travel. As a senior member of the reporting crew I will travel to major sporting events to give a detailed report as a primary source. Sports media has revolutionized today’s world of sports. Reporting has come from a rare talent, to a trainable skill. Elite reporters who put in the time and effort, are in turn, paid well and given opportunities to live out their dreams as sports fans. I plan on living my dream as a sports fan and cover sports all around the world while putting my own mark on sporting culture.

Monday, November 4, 2019

To what extent does inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) alleviate Dissertation

To what extent does inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) alleviate poverty in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) - Findings and Analysis - Dissertation Example The countries with maximum GDP growth have been identified from the literature review. I have picked out six countries that have the highest GDP growth from among the fifty-two countries in the Sub-Saharan region. Existing literature shows that these six countries have made consistent level of economic activities since the 1960s. This has been validated later on in this research with the help of quantitative analysis made on the data collected. GDP growth rates for Angola, Ethiopia and Uganda cannot be evaluated for the years before 1980s due to lack of availability of data. A significant similarity between Angola, Algeria and Cameroon is that GDP growth for these countries has been very low (Algeria) or negative (Angola and Cameroon) in 1992. HDI for Cameroon has been studied only for the years 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010 since data for other years are not available. However, for Egypt, Ethiopia and Uganda the GDP growth in 1992 has been positive. Among these countries, Cameroon shows the lowest level of GDP growth. Figure: GDP growth of Cameroon and its level of Human Development Index Yet, to one’s surprise, it is found that the HDI for the country shot up after 2000 and has remained high since then. In fact the HDI has improved for all these countries in the beginning of the twenty first century. ... These factors also help in correlating the drivers of human development, and thus poverty alleviation in these countries. The data shows that the GDP of Egypt shows declining trend after 1998 and that of Uganda falls consistently after 2006. Although, in Egypt, GDP growth reached a local high in 2007, it has been decreasing consistently since then. Figure: GDP growth of Egypt and Uganda This shows that there are certain factors that have affected the overall productivity in these countries. However, surprisingly level of HDI growth has improved in both countries after 2003. Sufficient information for HDI for both Egypt and Uganda has not been available for the years before 1999. Therefore, HDI in the countries during these years could not be compared. Figure: HDI growth of Egypt and Uganda This is a sharp increase and HDI has remained high since then without fluctuating. This reveals that although GDP is commonly considered the measure of growth, for many developing countries it does not reflect the true level of development of the economy. Hence, human development index should be considered while studying the level of economic development for these countries. In the analysis section, I have studied the level of openness to trade of the countries that display the most contrasting features. The contrasting characteristics of the two countries, Uganda and Cameroon, make it important to make an in depth study of the factors affecting the economic activities of these countries. According to the data, level of economic growth in Algeria, as depicted by the GDP growth of the country, has been high since the beginning of the 1960s. Data for HDI is not available for all consecutive years; information regarding HDI

Friday, November 1, 2019

Consumer Segmentation Process Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Consumer Segmentation Process - Case Study Example It has changed the nature of health care. The marketing technique used by this brand can be called as customized branding. It is a process to accommodate the brand according to the needs of to specific individuals for particular purposes. The market Segmentation plays important role during this process. For instance in the case of NHF 'Tick' products it helps to understand and identify a particular group of customers for defining the needs of customers and also for evolving guidelines to find the required product. The segmentation process also used instrumentally for developing and communicating the customized brand proposal. Market segmentation is the method of separating the market segments into specific categories. Different groups of consumers need different types of products. They should be accessed by using specific strategies. By using target marketing method developing sales and evolving marketing strategies. Product positioning is used by companies to offer specific products to specific group of people. Purpose of market segmentation can be achieved with the help of various methodologies. The main segmentation variables for consumer markets depend upon geography, demography, psychology and behavior of consumers. These variables are used in conjunction with market requirements. Marketing experts think that they are in a better position to know market segments where requirements of consumers are not fully met. Managers should use different segmentation variables in association to target markets precisely. Geographic Variable The geographical association of consumers plays an important role in market segmentation process. Research reports show that preferences of vary from village dwellers to city inhabitants. There is quite noticeable difference in the purchasing power of these categories of the consumers. Moreover these preference vary from developing regions to developed regions. As far as Australia is concerned the consumer preferences are quite different in city centers as compared to rural consumers. It would be interesting to know that major city dwellers are more prone to heart diseases because of their busy lives and also because of fast food culture. Whereas in rural areas, people are involved in physical activities on greater scale. So there is less chance of heart diseases. Consequently they would pay less attention to NHF recommended products. So it can be concluded that companies would have to target specific regions. (Michman, 1991, p. 27) Demographic Variable Analyses of polls and survey results show that age play an important role in market segmentation process with special reference to NHF recommended products. Heart diseases and other similar symptoms are likely to develop in people of high age group. So it would be appropriate to target the groups of older age people who may feel interest in 'Tick' products. The age factor is also associated with geographic variables as well. Companies can target those thickly populated areas where aged people are dwelling higher proportion who are more prone to heart and high cholesterol related diseases. Consumers can be further