Monday, September 30, 2019

Deportation Essay

What has our nation come to? Separating children from their parents. Aren’t children in America a number one priority? It’s clear that illegal immigrants looking for an immigration reform is a huge issue, there are many things holding our nation back from giving the ones in need one. Perhaps, Terrorist Threat, Economic Reasons & even Violence. However, it’s time that justice has to be made for those who come to this country to make a better future for their families. Over a decade illegal immigrants have been discriminated, being called â€Å"illegal aliens† and mistreated for only coming to this country to give their family a better place to live. It is unfair how adults are trying to build up a better life for themselves, having children in this country and getting deported. This affects children in many ways emotionally & mentally. It is obvious that America has been deporting these â€Å"aliens† as easy as one, two, three just thinking about their benefit but not thinking of the children who are being separated from their parents. The government believes keeping illegal â€Å"aliens† out will prevent Terrorist attacks and Economic issues, when the truth is they are only affecting our own nation. Deportations leave many U.S.-citizen children with unauthorized parents in foster care, â€Å"often for no other reason than the undocumented status of a parent,† at a cost of nearly $26,000 per year for each child. Nowadays the cost of deporting a single person back to their native homeland reaches tens of thousands. Instead of the government saving up money, they are only wasting it on an issue that can simply be solved if we understood the magnitude of how complicated is to deport people back to their countries. Daily, unauthorized immigrants live in constant fear of deportation, which creates a large number of single mothers struggling to make ends meet after the deportations of their husbands most of the time. Many families struggle day by day, to make the money they make in working in fields or as house  keepers. Illegal immigrants are people who are desperate for a better life they are people who are thinking of the better life they can have for their children, it is simply not fair that we deport them leaving them no chance to ever come back and/or start over and help their kids. They are also humans like us that deserve respect and an opportunity to live and seek for their own dreams. Many people who agree that deportation is something that must be done haven’t been through or seen what immigrants have been through and that’s why it makes it so easy for you guys to say yes they should be kicked out of the USA. How would you feel if other countries didn’t want you in their country either? What if the US was much more poor and you couldn’t find a decent job anywhere here how would you feel? A various amount of people are simply racist or immature, they don’t realize how much stress these illegal immigrants have in their back, to push their families forward. My mom came here for my sake. Here I am getting an education, I’m in high school, doing a speech on â€Å"Illegal Immigrants Shouldn’t Be Deported.† It has made me realize I have a really good life here. I’m a junior, perceiving my dream to go to college and become part of the strategic response unit. My mom is the one supporting me along the way since we’ve been here, she’s a perfect example of an honest immigrant worker who I look up to because she came here to give me a better future. My mom left everything behind in search of a better life for us but also to send money to our family back in El Salvador. Many Immigrants leave for a whole lots of reasons, jobs, money, housing, you name it. I dare say, I know a few that are willing to do jobs that nobody I know will even think about. So now they have gone through a lot to get here, what have they done? Found a job to provide for a family. Why send them back to something they are trying so ba dly to get away from? If you don’t want them to be a drain on society, let them find a job somewhere and pay taxes, give them a set of rules to live by? Why be the bad guy and say you can’t live here we don’t want you? Seems kind self-defeating if you ask me. The US helps every country on the planet to fight its battles, eliminates the bad guy, helps the downtrodden, but a few people that come across the border is a problem? Immigrants shouldn’t be deported when they came here looking for a better life. What do you have against them? Illegal immigrants are the huge part of the economy. If we stop  deporting them we can realize that they take jobs no one else would take (janitors, gardeners, farmers, garbage cleaners, cleaners, nannies, textile mill workers†¦Etc.) They are important labor. Also, most don’t do anything wrong†¦Just seeking a better life. If they work, they should be paying taxes like the rest of the American people. And plus, deporting them is only going to cost more money. So why send them back when they can take on jobs here that other people wouldn’t normally do? Not only does it benefit them, it can benefit us, well, financially. This being said, I am here standing up for not only the illegal immigrants who are being deported daily but also for children who are separated from their parents and are affected in major way. Preventing Deportation, and just letting honest illegal immigrants work here and be with their families is what should be done. Taking special measures to keep them here not only for their own benefit but also for our nations own good to prosper and build up a better place for everybody. Therefore, I can’t wait for the day illegal immigrants will stop fearing of being deported back to their countries and being separated from their children. I look forward the day my mom could leave this country without a fear of not coming back. I look forward the day my mom will see her family after being here 10 years now. I look forward the day there will be equality for every ethnicity.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Comparison Of Wastewater Treatment Methods Environmental Sciences Essay

Water constitutes over 70 % of the Earths surface and is a really of import resource for all people and the environment. If H2O gets polluted it cant be the elixr of life any longer to aquatic and to the wild life that depend on it. Rivers and watercourses polluted with chemical contaminations account as one of the most important environmental jobs. Water pollution is fundamentally a human fallacy.This used H2O is called â€Å" effluent † . Turning population and rapid industrialization has increased the volume of effluent manifold finally deteriorating the fresh H2O resources and environing environment due to inappropriate management.It is 99.94 per centum H2O, with merely 0.06 per centum of the effluent being dissolved and suspended solid stuff. Infiltration/inflow: immaterial H2O that enters the cloaca system through indirect and direct agencies such as through leaking articulations, clefts, or porous walls.Inflow is storm H2O that enters the cloaca system from storm drain connexions, roof headings, foundation and cellar drains or through manhole screens ; Features: Fresh, aerophilic, domestic H2O has been said to hold the smell of kerosine or newly turned Earth. Aged, infected sewerage is well more violative to the olfactory nerves.The characteristic rotten-egg smell of H sulphide and the mercaptans is declarative of infected sewage.Fresh sewerage is typically gray in colour.septic sewerage is black.The category of chemical compounds found in effluent are illimitable and so they are better known by the name of the trial used to mensurate them which are BOD5 and COD test.Industrial procedures generate a broad assortment of effluent pollutants.The features and degrees of pollutants vary significantly from industry to industry. Waste-water quality is assessed based on physical, chemical, and biological features. Physical parametric quantities include coloring materials, smell, temperature, and turbidness. Insoluble contents such as solids, oil and lubricating oil, are to be considered under this category.. Solids may be farther subdivided into suspended and dissolved solids every bit good as organic ( volatile ) and inorganic ( fixed ) fractions. Chemical factors to be considered are: biochemical O demand ( BOD ) , chemical O demand ( COD ) , entire organic C ( TOC ) , and entire O demand ( TOD ) . Inorganic chemical parametric quantities include salt, hardness, pH, sourness and alkalinity, every bit good as concentrations of ionised metals such as Fe and manganese, and anionic entities such as chlorides, sulphates, sulphides, nitrates and phosphates. Bacteriological parametric quantities include coliforms, fecal coliforms, specific pathogens, and viruses. Both components and concentrations vary with clip a nd local conditions.VARYING FLOW Issue:Waste-water flow fluctuates with fluctuations in H2O use, which is affected by a battalion of factors including clime, community size, life criterions, dependableness and quality of H2O supply, H2O preservation demands or patterns, and the extent of metre services, in add-on to the grade of industrialization, cost of H2O and supply force per unit area. Wide fluctuations in effluent flow rates may therefore be expected to happen within a community Effluent does non flux into a municipal effluent intervention works at a changeless rate. The flow rate varies from hr to hr. In most metropoliss, the form of day-to-day activities sets the form of sewerage flow and strength. Above-average sewerage flows and strength occur in mid-morning.The invariably altering sum and strength of effluent to be treated makes efficient procedure operation difficult.Also, many intervention units must be designed for the maximal flow conditions encountered which really consequences in their being oversized for mean conditions.Flow equalisation is non a intervention procedure in itself, but a technique that can be used to better the effectivity of both secondary and advanced effluent intervention processes.The intent of flow equalisation is to stifle the fluctuations so that the effluent can be treated at a about changeless flow rate.Flow equalisation can significantly better the public presentation of an bing works and increase its utile capacity.In ne w workss, flow equalisation can cut down the size and cost of the intervention units. Wastewater intervention options may be classified into groups of procedures harmonizing to the map they perform and their complexness: The basic methods of handling municipal effluent autumn into the undermentioned phases, which is shown in the signifier of block flow: The procedure flow diagram of a basic effluent intervention procedure is as follows:Conventional WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESSES:General footings used to depict different grades of intervention in order of increasing intervention degree are preliminary, primary, secondary and third and/or advanced effluent intervention.Preliminary intervention:Preliminary intervention prepares waste-water influent for farther intervention by cut downing or extinguishing non-favourable waste-water features that might otherwise impede operation or overly increase care of downstream procedures and equipment. These features include big solids and shreds, scratchy grit, smells, and, in certain instances, intolerably high extremum hydraulic or organic burdens. Preliminary intervention processes consist of physical unit operations, viz. testing and comminution for the remotion of dust and shreds, grit remotion for the riddance of coarse suspended affair, and floatation for the remotion of oil and lubricating oil. Other preliminary intervention operations include flow equalization, septage handling, and odour control methods.Primary Treatment:Primary intervention is designed to take organic and inorganic solids by the physical procedures of deposit and flotation. About 30 – 40 % of the pollutants are removed from the waste Waterss. Primary intervention acts as a precursor for secondary intervention.Secondary intervention:The intent of secondary intervention is the remotion of soluble and colloidal organics and suspended solids that have escaped the primary intervention. This is typically done through biological procedures, viz. intervention by activated sludge, fixed-film reactors, or laguna systems and deposit. Chemical intervention utilizes a coagulator such as Fe or aluminium.Then solid organic affair and P are precipitated into larger pieces which are separated as sludge. Suspended solids removal through chemical intervention involves a series of three unit operations: rapid commixture, flocculation and settling..A once-through chemical intervention system is shown below the tabular array. Advantage: greater remotion efficiency, the feasibleness of utilizing higher overflow rates, and more consistent public presentation. On the other manus, curdling consequences in a larger mass of primary sludge that is frequently more hard to inspissate and dewater. It besides entails higher operational costs and demands greater attending on the portion of the operator.Adsorption WITH ACTIVATED CARBONAdsorption is the procedure of roll uping soluble substances within a solution on a suited interface. In waste-water intervention, surface assimilation with activated carbon-a solid interface-usually follows normal biological intervention, and is aimed at taking a part of the staying dissolved organic matter.Particulate affair nowadays in the H2O may besides be removed.. The two most common types of activated C are farinaceous activated C ( GAC ) , which has a diameter greater than 0.1 millimeter, and powdered activated C ( PAC ) , which has a diameter of less than 200 mesh. A schematic of an activated C contactor is shown below the tabular array. Advantage: Exploitation powdered activated C in concurrence with traditional biological intervention provides first-class outflowing bio-assay consequences, provides for toxicity control within the bioreactor, and proA ­motes higher nitrification efficiency than that of a conventional activated-sludge system.CWAOOxidation is a procedure widely used for effluent intervention by which the pollutants are removed or converted into more biodegradable substances. Catalytic moisture air oxidization ( CWAO ) is a liquid stage reaction between organic stuff in H2O and O. CWAO is an attractive intervention for waste watercourses, which are excessively dilute to incinerate and excessively concentrated for biological intervention. It can be defined as the oxidization of organic and inorganic substances in an aqueous solution or suspension by agencies of O or air at elevated temperatures and force per unit areas. It is besides called flameless burning Typical conditions for CWAO scope from 125 to 300a- ¦C and at force per unit areas from 0.5 to 20 MPa. Residence times may alter from 15 to 120 min, and the chemical O demand ( COD ) remotion may typically be about 75-90 % .DECHLORINATIONDechlorination is the remotion of free and entire combined Cl residue from chlorinated effluent wastewater before its reuse or discharge to having Waterss. Chlorine compounds react with many organic compounds in the wastewater to bring forth unsought toxic compounds that cause long-run inauspicious impacts on the H2O environment and potentially toxic effects on aquatic microorganisms. Beginning: Adapted from Liu and Liptak, Wastewater Treatment ACTIVATED CARBON CONTACTOR: Beginning: Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering, 3rd edition.Comparison OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL IN WASTEWATER:Factor BIOLOGICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL CHEMICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL EFFLUENT QUALITY Biological P remotion was observed to make a lower limit of 0.4mg/l in the wastewater Chemical P remotion was observed to make whatever outflowing quality demand as more and more chemicals are dosed SLUDGE PRODUCTION ( The production of sludge is considered as a really of import factor in the pick of a effluent intervention method presents ) Sludge production is less compared to chemical method. Chemical P remotion produces more sludge, approximately 25 % more sludge than by biological agencies. NEEDED PLANT VOLUME As the volume of the anaerobiotic zone of the Bio -P procedure is reduced, there are alterations in the outflowing quality and the efficiency of P remotion is reduced The decrease of the volume of the anaerobiotic zone has no effects on the chemical P remotion Consumption OF ENERGY It was possible to cut down the capacity of the aeration device down to 1000kg O2/hr and still hold good intervention consequences in footings of COD and nitrogen remotion in the Bio-P process.Beyond this bound ( less than 100kg O2/hr ) COD and the Nitrogen in the wastewater are excessively high. Same sum of COD and Nitrogen in the wastewater is observed at 500kgO2/hr.So chemical method is more immune to decrease in aeration capacity than the Bio-P procedure by atleast 500kgO2/hr aeration capacity. ECONOMIC COST OF TREATMENT ) Annual cost for sludge disposal is saved by Bio-P compared to chemical method. The cost of buying chemicals is high and no nest eggs with respect to sludge disposal compared to Bio-P remotion. The economic cost of intervention has been evaluated based on a summing up of the single costs associated with sludge production, cost of chemicals, energy cost and costs associated to volume nest eggs. The purpose of an economic cost is non to reflect the exact fiscal cost but an estimation that could be used as a guideline for the building of a new works or for comparing of the two procedures. Discussion: Chemical VS BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT: Biological procedure removes solid organic affair and dissolved organic affair. The chemical procedure removes solid organic affair and phosphorus.Chemical precipitation cleans the H2O really quickly, say in less than 15mins after the induction of the procedure, we have clean H2O, whereas with biological intervention it will take 3 hour to accomplish the same.Biological procedure stopping points relatively long clip and is dependent on the effectivity of the microorganisms.Chemical and Biological interventions work in different ways and accomplish different results.We have to find the major causes of O lack in Waterss and choose the intervention in conformity with local environmental requirements.Purification in itself demands resources.Biological intervention requires a long abode clip and energy is consumed when air is blown into the sewerage water.Consequently the Biological works is large and more complex.The micro-organisms have to be adapted to the pollution which sensitises th e whole system.Chemical purification requires add-on of coagulators which is done in a little pool and at lower energy consumption.The entire energy used for chemical intervention is merely 15 % of that required for biological intervention, even if the energy used for production and distribution of coagulators is included.In footings of the entire ecological emphasis, the chemical procedure is favoured.Life rhythm appraisals show the biological procedure to be a larger consumer of resources and therefore it is more negative interms of its full environmental impact.If there is no demand to take dissolved organic affair a biological procedure could make greater ecological harm than chemical procedure due to the entire energy ingestion and the natural stuffs used when building the works. The environment makes demands on the purification procedure and if advanced purification is necessary both biological and chemical methods must be used..In Norway, the bing chemical works built wholly within bedrock was extended with the N remotion system due to the increased food load.With the alone combination of chemical and biological procedures this works occupies less than half the volume of the conventional biological procedure. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Effective effluent aggregation and intervention are of great importance from the point of view of both environmental and public wellness. Any effluent intervention works needs important investing and Operation Maintenance and control, and hence any determination to implement such a installation should be carefully considered. It is non a good thought to reason that any intervention method is better than the other.Each one has its ain advantages and disadvantages.The pick of which method is to be used will depend on the society, the discharge demands and the costs they are ready to incur.As a concluding decision, the winning construct these yearss should non be based on which procedure should be used in isolation to the other, but instead utilizing the advantages of both processes together to obtain best consequences, while at the same clip understating their disadvantages. Extensive research activity in this field has led to important betterment and variegation in the procedures and methods used for waste-water intervention and sludge direction. Public wellness jeopardies are frequently associated with waste-water reuse, and accordingly it is indispensable to circulate cognition and information about the danger of natural waste-water reuse and issue safe reuse guidelines.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay

Philosophy of education is sometimes referred to as the immediate objectives of education. Immediate objectives on the other hand are purposes which a subject at a given time must aim to achieve through the courses of study or the curriculum. Its aims constitute a very important aspect of the total education. They are more specific and they can be accomplished in a shorter period of time, maybe a day or a week. These, too, are considered goals of specialization. Educational aims cannot be determined apart from the purpose of society which maintains the school. The purpose of any society is determined by the life value which the people prize. As a nation, we have been striving always for the values which constitute the democratic way of life (Demiashkevich, 2003). Theory and practice in modern education have been influenced greatly by the educational philosophy in successive interpretations of the fundamental purpose of education. Since the aims and objectives of education embody the democratic ideal to which we as a nation are committed, they cannot be achieved through a rigid system of indoctrination and control. The application of the principles of teaching and learning always has definite goals. If the teacher wants to obtain desired results, he should know what those goals or objectives are. The usefulness of the principles themselves can best be determined by their appropriateness to the aims and objectives sought. Our primary need, therefore, is to present and develop the philosophical and psychological aims of education (Peterson, 2000). The philosophical aims of education require all public and private schools in this country to pursue, in the development of every child, regardless of color, creed, or social status. All educational institutions shall aim to inculcate love of country, teach the duties of citizenship, and develop moral character, personal discipline, and scientific, technological, and vocational efficiency. The study of the Constitution shall be part of the curricula in all schools (Peterson, 2000). The State shall provide citizenship and vocational training to adult citizens and out-of-school youth, and create and maintain scholarship for poor and deserving students. Moreover, religion shall be taught to their children or wards, in public elementary and high schools as may be provided by law. The State shall provide scientific research and invention. The advancement of science and technology shall have priority in the national development. Furthermore, education shall aim to develop moral character, personal discipline and civic conscience, and develop the attitudes among our youth and strength moral and ethical standards. It must also impart the skills, instill the attitudes and spread the values that are essential to rapid and sustained economic growth. The curriculum of public and private schools will emphasize scientific and technical professions, managerial and vocational skills, and the dignity of labor and standards of excellence (Demiashkevich, 2003). It can be said that the above resolution called for the restructuring of our educational system, public or private, to enhance nationalism or love of country and to achieve social goals.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The decline of manufacturing sector in U.S.A. has been compensated by Essay

The decline of manufacturing sector in U.S.A. has been compensated by a growing service sector - Essay Example United States has for more than three decades witnessed growth in its service sector and a converse trend in manufacturing. This has been the trend for many high income countries as they have been shifting reliance from manufacturing to service. This is a post-industrialization trend where people’s income continues to rise with less interest in investment in material processing The current trend has been more investment or shift to health care, education, insurance and others. It is important to mention that employees’ productivity grows slowly in the service sector than in the manufacturing the reason being low mechanization in service processes. Services therefore become more expensive which results in them contributing a higher portion of US GDP (Gallaher 49). This trend has also resulted to having higher employment in service sector than in the mechanized manufacturing sector. The service sector is now leading while manufacturing is declining with former compensatin g for the decline. The service sector capitalizes in production of intangible commodities in health, information and communication, education and others (Triplett and Bosworth 64). Globalization has been one of the key factors towards the shift from manufacturing to service. Manufacturing firms have been relocating to other countries mostly in the developing economies which either have more people in the low-income or middle-income bracket. Countries like China and India have for the last two decades been encouraging foreign investments through various incentives like tax holidays and low wages for workers. American government in turn is trying to develop policies that will see most of its citizens above the minimum wage bracket; a move that is driving industries to foreign countries. The service sector is labor intensive and it requires highly skilled personnel therefore raising the need to have quality and sustainable education. Also due to globalization many skilled immigrants ha ve come to the United States to seek jobs in the service sector resulting to high brain drain especially in the developing nations (Gallaher 130). Global trends also dictate firms to engage in more environmentally friendly activities and the service sector has come to solve this problem. The service sector engages in more human capital than natural. This has made United States to have heated debates regarding quality of education so as to have more skilled human capital (Gallaher 89). The general lack of undue intervention in the natural resources reduces environmental degradation which is more prone with manufacturing firms. Environmental consciousness has therefore caused investors to shift their investments to more environmentally friendly businesses. Statistics show that in the turn of the 20th century America’s manufacturing and agricultural sectors had taken more than 75 percent of the GDP while in the turn of the 21st century the service sector had more than 60 percent contribution (Triplett and Bosworth 106). This is a huge turn of events considering that it is a gap of just a century. It is within this century that America’s economy grew tremendously into the current post-industrialization era. The above statistics show that to a large extent the service sector is surely filling the gap left with the decline in the manufacturing sector. The world economy has in the last four decades experienced turbulence of booms and decline which have affected the two sectors differently. The manufacturing sector over this period has been heavily affected and shrunk as a result (AIER 2006). The recent economic crisis of 2008 heavily affected industries like motor vehicle manufacturers leading to closure of many plants, takeovers, bailout programs and many other negative occurrences. In the recovery trend the service sector has been seen to recover quickly than the manufacturing

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Human Resources Training and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Resources Training and Development - Essay Example My experience in lab industry has doubled my curiosity. The global presence of Abbott and its dedication for continuous research and development and the passion of Abbott people in 'turning Science into Caring, have made Abbott my choice. The company web site is the primary source to know about its training programs. In addition to it, the universities associated with Abbott training like Western Illinois University and other organizations are also useful. The online newspapers and magazine articles have proved very valuable. Basically, I study about the objectives of a particular training program and how it fills the skill gap meeting the requirements of the organization. Obviously the quality of the program depends on a number of factors like the structure, content, context and the experience of the trainer. I also collect the previous participants of a program. According to Stephen Fussell, senior vice president, Human Resources at Abbott, "It is not only a great place to launch a career, but also a place to build a lifelong career. From an on-line mentoring program, leadership training programs and a full tuition reimbursement program, Abbott has something for everyone." According to the recent trends, there are two major factors that influencing the workforce and work place in many of the US compani

Hauffman Trucking Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hauffman Trucking Company - Essay Example he choice of the location is important since, a prime location enables the company reap benefits that would have essentially cost the company lots of money to acquire. For example, access to new and efficient technological innovations (Caprio, 2013). Globalization encourages mergers between organizations thus creating bigger companies. This increases the revenue and the value of the organization. The organization gains a larger market share, a decrease in expenses and experiences a decrease in expenses. The prime negative effect of globalization is outsourcing. This is the hiring of new staff from outside the organization to the subsidiary companies set up in different countries. This increases the organization`s expenditure in catering for the increased number of employees. There are five main factors contributing to exchange rate risks. They include the expectations of the economic growth. An economy responds to a growing population in different ways. If the growth occurs too rapidly, the cost of living will increase due to the unnecessary wages paid. With higher growth comes higher inflation and this increases the exchange rates. On the other hand, deflation, which normally occurs during recession, is a sign of economic stagnation. This lowers the exchange rates. Other factors include, trade balance, central bank actions, employment outlooks and interest rates (Wagner,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Music in My Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Music in My Life - Essay Example Punk music signaled the first days of having a driver's license. Perhaps because of these elements music began to evolve to a new stage, beyond nostalgia or the excitement of a new band. At some point, it became possible to actually select a mood. The music itself could transform my mental state, lift me from whatever ruminations the day held, and lift me into a place beyond words, even if the music itself contained words. Music is like any other passion: when one truly begins to learn about it, it is humbling to realize just how little one knows in the face of how much more there is to learn. Music is amazing in its complexity, astounding in its interconnectedness. A musician can even take someone else's song and make it their own. There are vast differences between Hendrix's and Dylan's versions of All Along the Watchtower. The gut-wrenching blues of Leadbelly's Black Betty was turned inside out by Ram Jam. Shuggie Otis revealed an internal family revolution from the influence of his father Johnny Otis. Bands such as Widespread Panic or the Alman Brothers still show their hillbilly-folk roots. The politics of folk music redeveloped through the punk music of the Dead Kennedys, or even more recently, through System of a Down. Classical music has been co-opted and turned into such rock-operas as The Who's Tommy or Queensryche's two-album Operation Mindcrime.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Consider a perfectly competitive market in long-run equilibrium where Essay

Consider a perfectly competitive market in long-run equilibrium where all firms operate under the same cost conditions. Suppose - Essay Example (70 marks) Market is a place where buyers and sellers meet each other for fulfilling needs and generating profits. The form of market is of great importance in business and economics as it is responsible for defining its overall characteristics including the numbers and categories of suppliers, the variable or identical nature of the products offered by different firms operating in the same or different industries, is the market exhaustive enough or it allows the entry of some new competitor and most importantly the nature of the competition; is it a perfect competition or not? The major decisions of different firms revolve around these basic features which lead to the analysis of offering price and the number of inventory to be produced (McEachern, 2011). As far as perfectly competitive market is concerned then it has the following features: There is relatively quite a small number of sellers and buyers as compared to the needs of the customers and the overall market size. In this s ituation one firm has a very low effect over the market price and trends. As a result not a single firm can practice complete control over the cost and price ratios. The perfectly competitive market deals in identical products i.e. all the firms in the market sale the same product with minor or negligible variations. The customer choices are therefore independent of the quality of the product and other characteristics of the products excluding the price factor. The market forces such as demand and supply work freely to decide the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity, in addition to this the government policies affect the price and quantity ratios through taxes and subsidiaries. There is a free entry for all the firms in the market. They can leave or enter the market in any geographical location without facing any obstacles in their way. They can also apply whatever factors of production they want to with whatever variations and manipulations. The market offers complete and com prehendible information about the products and services. Therefore the firms are aware of the quality and characteristics of their products which leads them towards better performance. It is an ideal market to work in as it ensures the profits and flexibility of operations. In addition to free will related to entrance and exit hence giving numerous advantages to the consumers and sellers both (Dodd & Hasek, 1952). Now let’s consider the example of Rice market where the competition is perfect in nature. All the firms operating in this particular market are having the same costing conditions which are expected to remain at the equilibrium stage in the long run as well. The Automation Technology has become available to few of the firms in the market. This technology is pretty much useful for the production and packaging purposes as it lowers the marginal cost per unit and therefore contributes in increasing the profit margin of the seller without the need of increasing the price of the commodity rather decreasing the cost of the product. The usage of the Automation Technology will have some short run and long run effects over the rice market whereas the factor prices and the demand of the product remain same. This will disturb the equilibrium state of the perfect competition. Application of some new technology is always beneficial for both the industry and the individual firms operating in the market as it is more effective and efficient than the previous

Monday, September 23, 2019

EDU 636 DB 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EDU 636 DB 3 - Essay Example The biggest advantage of e-learning is that the person who is receiving the training can schedule the classes according to the student’s schedule. An e-learning classroom is self-paced, and the student does not need to turn in assignments according to a schedule, (N. A., N. D.). There are also many disadvantages to an e-learning environment. One of the biggest disadvantages is that students who are not motivated will not complete the course on time, and students often a feel isolated because there is not traditional and unique learning experience, (N. A., N. D.). Students who begin to feel isolated at the lack of intercommunication with the learning environment may become lonely, and begin to fall behind because the student became unmotivated to complete assignments on time. Computer-based training is a way for students to earn a college degree while online. Just like e-learning computer-based training has many advantages, and disadvantages. Some of the advantages, and disadva ntages of a computer-based training program can be similar to the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning. The biggest advantage of computer-based training is the lower costs involved for students when students enroll in a computer-based training course. Also, assignments and classes can be scheduled around the students person schedule. However, assignments usually have a deadline.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Soft Drinks in Rural Market in India Essay Example for Free

Soft Drinks in Rural Market in India Essay In India, the Coca-Cola and Pepsi soft drink brands suffered a setback in August of last year due to a product contamination scare. Both have cut profit margins to the bone in order to fend off competition from low-priced local fruit drinks. Indian consumers are accustomed to drinking a variety of locally-produced soft drinks that are sold in small stands throughout the country. Rural India is still a highly price-sensitive marketplace, so the major soft drink companies are forced to cut profit margins in order to compete there. Indias purchasing power parity per capita of US$2,850 is representative of a nation in which the average consumer has insufficient income to engage in discretionary spending. Nevertheless, during the hot season, spur-of-the-moment beverage sales are commonplace. In order to position themselves for sales growth, the major soft drink companies priced a 200-milliliter bottle at the equivalent of 11 U.S. cents. Although that price is not sustainable beyond the short term, management hopes that it will be enough to wrest market share away from local products and substantially increase sales volume in 2004. Beverage companies cannot afford to ignore Indias rural consumers if they wish to expand market share. According to data release by the PRB, only 28 percent of Indias population lived in urban areas in 2003. On average, rural consumers have a lower income level than their urban counterparts and demand lower-cost beverage options. In order to remain cost competitive, soft drink companies have to contain the transportation costs involved in expanding their distribution network into widespread towns and villages. Faced with high fuel and vehicle costs, companies are turning to less expensive means of transportation including ox carts and rickshaws. Another challenge facing the major soft drink companies is regaining consumer confidence in the aftermath of a well- publicized scandal over the presence of pesticides in some soft-drink products. A major publicity campaign aimed at regaining consumer confidence seems to be working, but bottlers need to avoid any more issues that would throw product safety into doubt. Recovering and maintaining an image of quality will be a key weapon in the struggle to take market share away from locally produced fruit beverages. Indian consumers are ready to opt for soft drinks, but not at a premium price.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Development of Civil Rights

Development of Civil Rights Dulce Melgoza Rodriguez Civil Rights: Power to the People The seeking of civil rights is a seemingly endless fight that is still experienced in the United States on a daily basis. Since America’s early years, there has been a struggle for people of color to have as much rights as Caucasians. Skin color has determined privilege, and despite the fact that there has been progress, there has also been regress as well. When the idea of civil rights was in the early stages, not all were conformed to the thought. Some even took matters into their own hands, such as with the infamous group formation of the Ku Klux Klan. Even with the supposed protection under the law, blacks still came under the harassment and hate crimes that came from the KKK and typical discrimination under the Jim Crow Laws that followed them; even with the elimination of those said laws, people still refused to accept the minority race as an equal. An evident racism and reaction to civil rights seen today mirrors the past and holds true to the fact that civil rights hav e isn’t just one battle, and that it to be continuously sought after. Civil Rights are, by definition, the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality. Minorities in the United States have individually worked to gain their rights that weren’t given to them since birth as it was with the non-minority race. It is a lot easier to be white than to be a minority. For whites, they don’t typically deal with racial profiling because their skin color doesn’t make them look like the enemy nor are they reduced to a stereotype. In the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence it is written that â€Å"we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights [†¦]†, however those rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were only to men who were white, and not to any other race or ethnic group. During the Civil War, a major tension between the north and south dealt with the topic of if blacks should be kept as slaves. North said no and the South said yes. After the loss of the Confederacy, and the establishment of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, blacks were happy, but the wealthy and plantation owners were not. African Americans exercised their new rights at first, but black codes were established that stripped them of their freedoms and reduced them to a level of indentured servitude. At this time as well the Ku Klux Klan rose to power to intimidate blacks so they wouldn’t attempt to gain more of their rights. The method was effective and fear and panic was spread throughout as members of the KKK could have been anyone from the average man to law enforcement officials. The period of Reconstruction in the South that was meant to be a prosperous time for blacks in America, didn’t prove to have as much progress as originally intended. Influential black activists who fought for their rights rose up at this time and made themselves known. Some looked for gradual methods to gain their freedoms and others demanded immediate equal rights. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded in 1909 by W.E.B. Dubois. With the use of courts and legislature, the NAACP would fight for the Civil Rights of African Americans. Despite the Amendments established in the Constitution, Southern states imposed voting restriction laws to disenfranchise African Americans through the use of literacy tests, poll tax, and the grandfather clause. The South went even further by passing the Jim Crow Laws that instituted segregation between blacks and whites in public facilities. These laws came to be challenged in the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson where Homer Plessy, a part black and part white man who could technically use both white and black facilities, was told to move to the end of a train, and ended up suing. Plessy lost the case and out of it, the doctrine â€Å"separate but equal† was established and ruled that the fourteenth amendment only ensured political equality and that segregation was not the same as inferiority, which made segregation legal for the next sixty years. Civil Rights had a long ways to go at this point, and the discrimination against blacks was followed into both World Wars. In World War II, American troops told the French to treat the white troops better than the black troops and they bunked in segregated facilities. After WW2, Blacks fought alongside NAACP and the Congress of Racial Equality to eliminate the Jim Crow Laws. In 1954, Congress declared the â€Å"separate but equal† rule to be unconstitutional, with the court case of Brown v. Board of Education that desegregated schools and began to apply the 14th amendment to its full extent, though it would be eleven more years until the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and fourteen years until the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Since the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, there has been change in the public policy towards the issue of racism and discrimination; however, it is still present despite the legislation passed to combat it. No matter how much America has gone forward in it’s advancements in Civil Rights, but just like it was in the 1860s, not everyone is willing to follow suit in the idea of equality for all races. The NAACP and other civil rights activist groups are still around today just like the KKK is. The need for civil tights is still prevalent today, and not just for blacks – but for all minority groups such as Hispanics, Native Americans, or Asians who have also benefitted off the legislation passed. In a typical election, most minorities would rather vote Democrat rather than Republican because the Democrats are those whose policies like Affirmative Action which seek to advance those who have been at a disadvantage throughout history. Liberal standpoints favor Civil Ri ghts while Conservatives have opposed them. When it comes to future policy-making issues, no minority wants to vote for an official who wouldn’t care about the importance of their rights and whose actions could lead to something simple as ignoring the fact discrimination exists and that it occurs to their constituents or to going out of their way to make the minorities the less represented group. This could go from anywhere such as gerrymandering, where district lines can be drawn up in a way to favor one party representation over another which actually has to be approved by Congress when done by the South to actual passing of legislation such as in Arizona’s Immigration Enforcement laws passed in 2010 that allowed for anyone who remotely looks â€Å"illegal† to a law enforcement official to be questioned and detained. Though it is a law that isn’t supposedly based on the color of one’s skin, it’s evident that the appearance of the individua l is what determines if the police officer approaches them and asks to see their papers. Progress is gradual overall, so there needs to be a stronger initiative to gain more than just rights, but also a sense of respect and to break the barrier of discrimination for something trivial like the color of one’s skin. There can’t be talk about progression when the progress is so little and there are people constantly trying to stop it through laws or discreet methods. If judging people on their race continues, nothing will ever get accomplished because the non-minority child will grow with a mindset that they can’t amount to anything. The institutionalized racism will discourage those minorities even though they are not to be the minority group within the future years of the growing population. The minority needs to know of their rights and the impact they can have on the United States if they banded together to bring change. All that needs to happen is for this group to understand they are not weak and that if they show the same amount of gusto that thei r predecessors showed, the United States could prove to be an entirely different place for its citizens, especially those of color.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Short Story Of Mother To Son English Literature Essay

The Short Story Of Mother To Son English Literature Essay There are so many great stories, short plays and poems to critique within this text book. The poem I chose to critique was Mother to Son by Langston Hughes. He was born James Langston Hughes on February 1st 1902, in Joplin Missouri. James was a member of an abolitionist family. Hughes attended central high school in Cleveland Ohio, but he started writing poetry when he was just in the eighth grade. During this time, he was even selected as class poet by his fellow classmates. Langstons father did not think that his son could make a living on writing poems alone, so he enrolled him in an engineering program at Columbia University. Soon after, Langston withdrew from the program in order to pursue his writing career. Shortly after, Langston published his first poem which was his most famous, The Negro Speaks of Rivers. Langstons work got so much recognition it appeared in the NAACP and other publications. He was a prolific writer and throughout his life, he wrote sixteen books of poems, two novels, three collections of short stories, four volumes of editorial and documentary fiction and the list goes on. With all these prior knowledge of Hughes, I was able to understand his writing style a bit more clearly and grasp his theme within the poem. The theme for Hughes poem is, Even though life has been hard for the mother and she could not see what was ahead, she still encourages her son to continue on in life because she made it through. I love the way that Langston, so clearly depicted this theme within the poem and while you read it you can get a clear sense of exactly what is going on and you may even seem as if it were your mother speaking to you. The poem is self narrated and one can feel the love and emotion from the character. It has a strong meaning behind it because the mom cares for her child and wants him to continue on in life and to never give up. In life, mothers always wish the best for their children and never want them to fall by the way side or be led astray. Every mother wants for the child to be successful in everything that they do. It makes a mom heart broken or feels as if they failed, when their child fails. A critic by the name of R. Baxter Miller says In this poem the woman also represents the continuation of the race. Having given life to the next generation, the mother represents a figure of female strength, affirmation and generational continuity. Another critic by the name of James Baldwin says, Hughes is at his best in lyrics like Mother to Son. The poems lyrics elements include a first person speaker, an expression of intense personal emotion and a belief in spiritual transcendence of time and early circumstance. Both critics are correct and within the poem you can see exactly what they are referring to. The tone of the poem is full of love but also has intense warning. The mother wants the best for her son and Hughes clearly depicts that within his poem. The poem starts off by the mother informing the son that life for her has been hard. She states Well son, Ill tell you; Life for me aint been no crystal stair. Its had its tacks in it and splinters and boards torn upà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Meyer 1168) The mother, just like every mom who has had a hard time in life, tells her child what she has gone through; her trials and tribulations. She goes on to describe her life by saying the boards were torn up there was no carpet in places, which symbolizes her emptiness, how tough it was and chaotic. Think of a house if you were looking to buy one and you came across a house with the boards up in the air, mold on the walls, roof is leaking, insects infested the place and there was no carpet where carpet should be. Chances are you would turn your head the other way and look for something better, for you would know this is not the way a house should be. You could never make your family stay in this house for you know that they deserve better. Just li ke the mom she talks about the hard parts of her life, but she is trying to do better even in spite of whatever it is that she is going through. She goes on to say that shes been climbing and reaching landings to make it. Meaning shes been going ahead trying to do better and make something out of her situation and she is not giving up. Sometimes in life we have to realize that our situation is not the worst thing on earth. Even if we were going through the loss of a job, the death of a child, the loss of the house, being homeless, starvation or battling a deadly disease. We should realize that we can make it through in spite of. The mom warns her son to stay focused and persevere. She states, dont you turn back. Dont you set down on the steps because you find its kinder hard. (Meyer 1168) You can hear in her tone that she does not want him to ever give up or turn back while hes experiencing his tough times. Every mom encourages their child to go through whatever the situation may be and to never look back and say we cant do it. Sometimes as a child, we may think the problem is just too big for us to deal with or that we cant get through it. Sometimes we get weak and weary when our situation looks like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Even though it looks as if we cant go on, we have to remember the warnings that our mothers have said to us. We have to remember when they tell us to be better than them in everything that we do. Mothers try hard to get as far as they can in life, educationally and physically. Every mom tells their child to go higher and do more. So if your mom got a bachelors degree and made only 30,000 a year, she would want you to get a masters or a PH. D and make 60,000 a year. We have to remember when our mothers tell us to be better than they were. An example would be if your mom use to mistreat you as a child excessively beat you or put you down every time you needed her, she would want for you to treat your children with love and compassion. Your mother would also want you to be there for your child and uplift them in times of need. Anything that your mom did that you did not agree with, you should do better when you have your children. After all the warnings and encouragement, the mother ends of the poem by saying Ise still climbin, and life for me ain;t been no crystal stair.(Meyer 1168) A critic by the name of Alishia talks on her belief of what the crystal stair symbolizes. She states, I believe the crystal stair reference means that crystal is transparent, you can see the other side clearly through crystal. If her life was no crystal stair, she didnt know what the outcome was going to be, she just knew that she had to keep moving and keep working f or the best life she could make for herself. I agree with Alishia because if something is crystal you can see right through it and since the mom says life hasnt been a crystal stair she cant see through her life or see what is to come. When you cant see whats ahead of you, it makes it hard to plan out what you will do and prepare yourself accordingly. If life was a crystal stair for the mom, then should would be better prepared for everything and have time to plan out a solution to all her problems but life is never like that we never know whats to come. All we know is that when it does come our way we must not fall back, or get scared and give up. We must keep on going and persevere to the end so we can feel good that we accomplished something and made it out on top. Not only will we get personal satisfaction, but our mothers will be satisfied. This is what the main theme is for the poem Mother to son. Its all about us making it until the end and never giving up because we cant see whats ahead. The poem was very meaningful and motivational and Hughes did a wonderful job displaying this within his poem. This poem encourages and uplifts the reader to keep on moving forward in life and this is a life lesson that we all should take heed to. Work Cited Page Meyer, Michael. Mother to Son. Eighth. Boston: 1168. Print. Miller, R. Baxter. Mother To son critical overview. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr 2010. . Baldwin, James. Mother To son critical overview. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr 2010. . Alisha, . American poems. American N.p., 21 04 2009. Web. 26 Apr 2010. . (February 1, 1902 May 22, 1967) Born in Joplin, Missouri, James Langston Hughes was a member of an abolitionist family. He was the great-great-grandson of Charles Henry Langston, brother of John Mercer Langston, who was the first Black American to be elected to public office, in 1855. Hughes attended Central High School in Cleveland,

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Finish Line - Case Study :: Athlete’s Foot

History   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1976, two friends, Alan Cohen and David Klapper, partnered to run a franchise called Athlete’s Foot. Athlete’s Foot was a large athletic footwear business. By 1981, Cohen and Klapper’s vision had grown larger than what Athlete’s Foot was able to contain. Therefore, in 1981, Cohen and Klapper decided to open their own company as a spin off of Athlete’s Foot. They decided to call it Finish Line. At the time of Finish Line’s start up, Cohen and Klapper still maintained 10 Athlete’s Foot stores. After the first Finish Line stores were opened, Cohen and Klapper converted all previous Athlete’s Foot stores into Finish Line stores in 1986 when their franchises expired. As of 2002, Finish line was the second largest athletic retailer with over 550 stores in 46 states.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finish Line’s success can be attributed to many things, such as, great knowledge of the athletic industry, structured growth, superior executive leadership, and great following of a well thought out mission. This mission states, â€Å"Finish Line will provide the best selection of sport inspired footwear, apparel and accessories to fit the fast culture of action addicted individuals.† Finish Line’s success has come via many milestones throughout their history. Finish Line’s milestones are documented in the following timeline. Finish Line Timeline †¢ October 1976 - Finish Line opens its doors for the first time as a chain of the Athlete's Foot. †¢ 1981 - Two additional partners, Dave Fagin and Larry Sablosky, are brought on board, and the first Finish Line stores are opened. †¢ 1986 - The Athlete's Foot franchise expires, and all Athlete's Foot stores are converted to Finish Line. †¢ October 1991 - Finish Line opens 100th store. Stores are located primarily in the Midwest †¢ 1992 - Finish Line becomes a publicly traded company traded on NASDAQ (FINL). †¢ July 1995 - Finish Line opens 200th store. †¢ November 1997 - Finish Line opens 300th store. †¢ February 1999 - Finish Line hits a record $500 million in sales (for Fiscal 1998). †¢ July 1999 - Finish Line records its first online sales on †¢ September 1999 - Finish Line opens 400th store. †¢ 2002 - Finish Line becomes the second largest athletic retailer (based on sales revenues), and expands the company to over 480 stores across the nation. †¢ June 10, 2003 - Finish Line breaks ground on $20 million expansion to its Indianapolis based corporate headquarters and distribution center. Finish Line - Case Study :: Athlete’s Foot History   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1976, two friends, Alan Cohen and David Klapper, partnered to run a franchise called Athlete’s Foot. Athlete’s Foot was a large athletic footwear business. By 1981, Cohen and Klapper’s vision had grown larger than what Athlete’s Foot was able to contain. Therefore, in 1981, Cohen and Klapper decided to open their own company as a spin off of Athlete’s Foot. They decided to call it Finish Line. At the time of Finish Line’s start up, Cohen and Klapper still maintained 10 Athlete’s Foot stores. After the first Finish Line stores were opened, Cohen and Klapper converted all previous Athlete’s Foot stores into Finish Line stores in 1986 when their franchises expired. As of 2002, Finish line was the second largest athletic retailer with over 550 stores in 46 states.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finish Line’s success can be attributed to many things, such as, great knowledge of the athletic industry, structured growth, superior executive leadership, and great following of a well thought out mission. This mission states, â€Å"Finish Line will provide the best selection of sport inspired footwear, apparel and accessories to fit the fast culture of action addicted individuals.† Finish Line’s success has come via many milestones throughout their history. Finish Line’s milestones are documented in the following timeline. Finish Line Timeline †¢ October 1976 - Finish Line opens its doors for the first time as a chain of the Athlete's Foot. †¢ 1981 - Two additional partners, Dave Fagin and Larry Sablosky, are brought on board, and the first Finish Line stores are opened. †¢ 1986 - The Athlete's Foot franchise expires, and all Athlete's Foot stores are converted to Finish Line. †¢ October 1991 - Finish Line opens 100th store. Stores are located primarily in the Midwest †¢ 1992 - Finish Line becomes a publicly traded company traded on NASDAQ (FINL). †¢ July 1995 - Finish Line opens 200th store. †¢ November 1997 - Finish Line opens 300th store. †¢ February 1999 - Finish Line hits a record $500 million in sales (for Fiscal 1998). †¢ July 1999 - Finish Line records its first online sales on †¢ September 1999 - Finish Line opens 400th store. †¢ 2002 - Finish Line becomes the second largest athletic retailer (based on sales revenues), and expands the company to over 480 stores across the nation. †¢ June 10, 2003 - Finish Line breaks ground on $20 million expansion to its Indianapolis based corporate headquarters and distribution center.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Free Speech Movement in the US :: essays research papers

Analyse the ideals and goals of the free speech movement in Berkeley. The first official protest was held in May 1960 in the San Francisco Hall. The protest was held whilst a meeting for the House of Un-American Committee (HUAC) was taking place. It was a stand against US oppression of political freedom, and with the work of HUAC hitting close to him – a Berkeley student had been subpoenaed, the students were ready to make their opposition heard.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is important not to take the activities of the early 1960’s as independent from the years preceding it. In another time and another context, the activities of HUAC may not have been met with the same opposition. However following the wave of the civil rights movements in the mid 1950’s and more importantly the era of McCarthyism, there existed a very real and strong resistance to anything that resembled what was seen as the â€Å"witch trials† of the fifties. Interestingly, it was not the protest itself that sparked the beginning of what became known as the free speech movement. Rather it was the reaction of the media and the government that encouraged the support of students throughout the country. What was intended to be a peaceful protest was portrayed to the country as evidence of a vast â€Å"communist plot.† Dubbed as â€Å"operation abolition,† a video of the protest was released, supposedly showing how the communist were now using students to achieve their means. The plan backfired; students were attracted to Berkeley by the droves, with a new sense of determination in tow. It is probable that the administration in taking away the student’s political frontline were only aiming to subdue the civil rights movement. However the effect of banning everyone from speaking their mind had an effect unforeseen by those in charge. Students from all backgrounds and schools of political thought were united; students that under any other circumstance never would have come together. This is what made the free-speech movement unique; it was a merger of forces across the political front, only possible because the matters at stake transcended political orientation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As outlined in the film, â€Å"Berkeley in the 60’s,† the direction of the free speech movement was not concretely defined right from the outset.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Self-Access Learning

Self-Access Learning SELF-ACCESS LEARNING For English Language in Malaysian Primary Schools file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/P&P/SAL/index. html3/31/2005 12:04:49 AM Introduction to Self-Access Learning INTRODUCTION Self-Access Learning (SAL) was first introduced and piloted in SRK Sri Kelana, Selangor Darul Ehsan in 1990. Since then it has been extended to 150 schools in Malaysia. It was initiated by the Curriculum Development Centre, Ministry of Education, Malaysia.The contents of the book focus on an Overview of SAL, Setting up a Self- Access Centre, Learning Materials and Equipment, Learners Training and SAL in Operation. Sample materials to give teachers and insight into SAL are also included. Introduction to SAL (Overview) | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | SAL Booklet file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/introduction. html (1 of 4)3/31/2005 12:04:56 AM Int roduction to Self-Access Learning file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/introduction. html (2 of 4)3/31/2005 12:04:56 AMIntroduction to Self-Access Learning file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/introduction. html (3 of 4)3/31/2005 12:04:56 AM Introduction to Self-Access Learning file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/introduction. html (4 of 4)3/31/2005 12:04:56 AM Self-Access Learning SELF-ACCESS LEARNING For English Language in Malaysian Primary Schools CHAPTER 1 Self-Access | Self-Access Learning (SAL) | Objectives | Main Features file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter1a. htm3/31/2005 12:05:06 AMSelf-Access Learning – Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Self-Access OVERVIEW Self- access is a system which allows pupils learn at their own pace and time using organized learning materials and equipment. Self-Access Learning (SAL) Self -access learning (SAL) at the primary school level refers to independent learning through the use of learning materials. It is linked to the prescribed curriculum. Pupils are given opportunity to their own activities, correct and evaluate their own work as well as monitor their own progress. Philosophy of SAL file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter1. tml (1 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 1 The concept of SAL is based on the following:q q q q q q every pupil is an individual with different needs, interest, attitudes and aptitudes. every pupil learns in different ways and at varied rates. every pupil is responsible for his or her own learning. every pupil is given the opportunity to learn how to learn. the teacher caters for all individual needs of the pupils. the teacher creates a conducive, tension – free learning environment. file:///Volumes/GA NPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter1. html (2 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AMSelf-Access Learning – Chapter 1 Objectives of SAL q q q q to provide opportunities for pupils to learn how to learn. to cater for the pupils' individual needs and learning styles. to allow pupils to evaluate and assess their own learning. to complement classroom teaching and learning. Main Features of SAL file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter1. html (3 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 1 Introduction to SAL (Overview) | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. pk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter1. html (4 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Introduction SETTING UP A SELF- ACCESS CENTRE A self- Access Centre (SAC) is a resource where organized learning materials and equ ipment are made available and accessible for pupils. In the SAC, materials and equipment such as journals, worksheets, cassette tapes, video tapes, computer assisted language learning (CALL) file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter1. html (5 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 1 rogrammes, games, radio cassette recorders sets and video recorders are placed and organized systematically. Functions of the SAC ? Provides conducive learning environment ? Provides opportunities for pupils to carry out learning activities. ? Houses learning materials and equipment. ? Displays information charts and pupils work. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter1. html (6 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 1 Factors to be considered when setting up a SAC Location The SAC can be a room by itself, a corner in classroom or in the school resource centre.It should also be easily accessible. In schools with limited rooms or space, teachers can arrange the materials in boxes which can be mobilized to the classroom whenever necessary. Design The design should be conducive to individual learning styles as well as small group interaction. It should be attractive and appealing to the pupils. Layout The layout is the arrangement of furniture, materials and equipment in the SAC. They should be placed in such a way where the pupils can move easily. The SAC would include the following: q q q Reading corner Computer Assisted Language Learning corner Carrels for listening ile:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter1. html (7 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 1 q q q q Video viewing corner Games corner Working area Display area A SAMPLE PLAN OF A SAC IN A SRC SAMPLE PLAN OF A SAC file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal /chapter1. html (8 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 1 Books and print materials To ensure that the materials last, worksheets may be mounted onto cards and laminated o sealed in plastic.Each item is then arranged in separate boxes which are colour-coded for the language proficiency level. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter1. html (9 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 1 Equipment Cassette recorders are the most necessary equipment. They are used for practising listening and speaking skills. The activity cards accompanying the tapes are labelled, colour-coded and placed on shelves. Computers are excellent aids to SAL. Television sets and video recorders enable pupils to listen and watch English programmes.Time Teachers need time to set up the SAC and to prepare pupils to learn independently. It may take between 3 or 6 months before the SAC can be setup and be functio nal. Funds Setting up SAC needs time and money. If there is limited fund, teachers have to set priority and seek for assistance or sponsorship. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter1. html (10 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 1 file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter1. html (11 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 1A SAC SK Seri Perlis, Perlis A SAC corner in a resource centre SRK Tengku Abdul Halim, Alor Star, Kedah A SAL corner in a resource centre. SK Kampung Baru Keningau, Sabah Introduction to SAL (Overview) | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | SAL Booklet file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter1. html (12 of 12)3/31/2005 12:05:21 AM Self-Access Learning SELF-ACCESS LEARNING For English Language in Malaysian Primary Schools CHAPTER 2 Introd uction to Chapter 2 | Functions of the SAC | Factors to be considered when setting up a SAC ile:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter2a. htm3/31/2005 12:05:32 AM Self-Access Learning SELF-ACCESS LEARNING For English Language in Malaysian Primary Schools CHAPTER 3 Introduction to Chapter 3 | Types of SAL worksheets Type of Self Access Language Learning Materials | Classification code for Worksheet Guidelines for writing worksheets | Procedures for writing worksheets | Checklist for evaluation Self-Access Classification Code for English at Primary School Level file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. pm. my/p/sal/chapter3aa. htm3/31/2005 12:05:44 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 Chapter 3 SELF-ACCESS LANGUAGE LEARNING MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Self-access language learning materials are self instructional materials written or adapted by teachers. They are made available and accessible to the pupils to work individually, in pairs or in groups with or without direct supervision from the teacher. The materials should cater for the pupils learning styles, abilities and interests. The materials written or adapted are based on the language skills, thinking skills, grammar and vocabulary.They may be learning materials, practice materials or test materials. Types of SAL worksheets Type of Self Access Language Learning Materials | Classification code for Worksheet Guidelines for writing worksheets | Procedures for writing worksheets | Checklist for evaluation Self-Access Classification Code for English at Primary School Level file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter3. html (1 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 Types of SAL Worksheets Practice worksheet | Test worksheet | Back to Chapter 3 Main Page | Home 1.Learning worksheet Learning worksheets are those which contain information and explanation for the pu pils to read, understand and apply them. Example of a learning worksheet: Yr. 6/Ep3/Blue/(07)/( ) Instructions: i. Read the sentences carefully. ii. Study the diagram below. We use ‘a' when the noun begins with a consonant, but if the noun begins with a vowel sound, ‘an' is used. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter3. html (2 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 Task: Fill in the blanks with ‘a' or ‘an'. Example: I have †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. en. I have a pen 1. Pulau Gaya is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. island off Sabah. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter3. html (3 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 2. Malaysia has †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. hot and wet climate. 3. Draw †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. line across this circle. 4. My brother Abu is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ kite maker. 5. My sister often takes †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. apple to school. 6. Mary's mother bought her †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. new umbrella. 7. You cannot make †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. omelette without breaking eggs. 8.Puan Farida has †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. very pretty white cat. Yr 6/EP 3/Blue/(07)/( ) Answer Key 1. an 3. a 5. an 7. an 2. a 4. a 6. a 8. a file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter3. html (4 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 2. Practice worksheets Practice worksheets give pupils the opportunity to reinforce the skills learnt in the classroom. The exercises include: * problem solving * games and puzzles Example of a practice worksheet: Yr4/R2. 1/Red/(03)/( ) Instructions: 1. Look at the pictures for the clues. 2. Copy the puzzle into your SAL book. . Complete the puzzle. 4. Check your answers with the answer key. Task: Rearrange the letters to find out the names of the things in the picture below. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter3. html (5 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 Yr4/R2. 1/Red/(03)/( ) file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter3. html (6 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 Answer key 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. TREES TRACTOR CLOUD PATH BRIDGE 2. 4. 6. 8. FIELD MOUNTAIN HEDGE GATE 10.RIVER 12. FENCE 11. TIN Example of practice worksheet Yr4/R4. 7/RED/05/( ) Instructions: 1. Look at the picture. 2. Read the questions. 3. Write your answers in your SAL Book. 4. Check your answers with your teacher. Task: Poh Quan is going to do something. What is she going to do? Why? file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/ self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter3. html (7 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 3. Test Worksheets file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter3. html (8 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AMSelf-Access Learning – Chapter 3 Test worksheet contain exercises given to pupils to test how much they have understood and learnt. Example of a test worksheet. Yr. 6/EP 3/(Blue)/(08)/( ) Instructions: 1. Do this exercise in your SAL book 2. Read the sentences carefully. 4. Check your answers with the answer key. Task: Fill in the blanks with ‘a' or ‘an'. Did you see †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (1) old lady with †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (2) umbrella walking here about †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (3) hours ago? She was wearing †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (4) apron and †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. (5) unusual hat. She had †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 6) animal with her that had yellow feathers. Was the animal †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. (7) elephant? Was it †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. (8) anteater? Was it †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. (9) ostrich? Could it be †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (10) yellow bird? Yr. /EP3/(Blue)/(08)/( ) Answer key 1. an 6. an file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter3. html (9 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 2. an 3. an 4. an 5. BRIDGE 7. 8. 9. an an an 10. a TYPES OF SELF ACCESS LANGUAGE LEARNING MATERIALS file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. y/p&p/sal/chapter3. html (10 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 Worksheets are essential in SAL. They are self-instructional and written or adapted based on the English Language KBSR syllabus 1982. The pupils who use these worksheets are learning from them with the teacher as a facilitator. Therefore teachers have to be precise, clear and appropriate when writing instructions. The format of a SAL worksheet is given below. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter3. html (11 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 ile:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter3. html (12 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 a. Classification code enables the pupils to find the worksheets they need. It is written on the top right hand corner. It gives the following information: Year: Year 4 (Yr4) Year 5 (Yr. 5) Year 6 (Yr. 6) Skills: R L W EP – Reading – Listening – Writing – Examination practice Sub-skills: R1 – Recognise and Read file:///Volumes/GANPD/P& P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter3. html (13 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AMSelf-Access Learning – Chapter 3 R2 R3 R4 R5 – Read and Match – Read and Group – Read and Comprehend – Dictionary skills Level: The worksheets are graded to 3 levels of language proficiency: Green – elementary Red Blue – intermediate – advance Activity type Each piece of worksheet has a number which indicates the type of activity for the pupils to work on. The following are examples of activities for reading. 01 Read & Match 02 Read & Draw 03 Read & Arrange 04 Read & Sequence 05 Read & Solve 06 Read & Group 07 Read & Answer file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter3. tml (14 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 08 Read & Complete 09 Read & Join 10 Read & Choose 11 Read & Follow 12 Read & Correct errors Note: Teachers may add more activiti es using their own numbers. Copy number: This number indicates which copy the worksheet is. First copy – (1) Second copy – (2) Third copy – (3) e. g. b. Instruction c. Task d. Answer key These are instruction for the pupils to follow. This is the actual exercise. Answer provided at the back of the worksheets for the pupils to check and correct. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter3. tml (15 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 Guidelines for writing worksheets * * * The worksheets should be attractive. The variety of tasks, exercises and activities should be motivating an challenging. The worksheets should be graded according to the pupils' level of language proficiency. Procedure for writing worksheets file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter3. html (16 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 * * * * Identity the classification code (The classification code is given on page 22) Give clear and precise instructions.Set the task and plan the activities. Provide an answer key. Checklist for evaluation The following questions need to be asked and answer when one is evaluation SAL worksheet. a. Does the activity give a clear picture of the skills it is focusing? b. Does the activity give a clear picture of the language item or skill to be learnt or reinforced c. Does the worksheet fit in the following category: file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter3. html (17 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 3 * learning? * practice? * test? d.Does the feedback take the following form: * an answer key? * a discussion with the teacher? * a discussion with a friend? * a model made by the pupil? e. Does the activity encourage creative and critical thinking? Writing SAL worksheets is a very challenging task. If we re flect on how our pupils will benefit from SAL we will work at it for â€Å"Tomorrow's comfort requires today's hardwork. † Introduction to SAL (Overview) | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter3. html (18 of 18)3/31/2005 12:05:54 AM Self-Access LearningSELF-ACCESS LEARNING For English Language in Malaysian Primary Schools CHAPTER 4 What is Learner Training | Why Learner Training | Aims | Teacher's Role Implementation of Learner Training Activities | Bridging The Gap Activities Learner Independence Activities | Language Awareness Activities Preparation of Pupils for SAL | Learner Orientation | Sample Questionaire 1 Sample Questionaire 2 | Sample Questionaire 3 | Placement Test for Year 4 | SAL Booklet file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter4a. htm3/31/2005 12:06:10 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 Chapte r 4 LEARNER TRAININGWhat is Learner Training? Learner Training refers to a process of training the pupils to become more effective active learners during SAL period. It also means preparing pupils to learn how to learn; to work independently with or without teacher supervision. In learner training pupils must be trained to learn how to use self-access materials such as worksheets, books and equipment such as cassette recorders, video recorders and computers. Learner Training also trains pupils in self-assessment. Why Learner Training? The rationale for Learner Training is: file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. pk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter4. htm (1 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 to train pupils to learn how to learn. to familiarise pupils with the use of the Self-Access Centre. to make pupils aware of the various materials and equipment found in the SAC. to create readiness in pupils to learn the English Language indepen dently. Aims To help pupils become effective learners and be responsible for their own learning. To help pupils focus their attention on how to learn rather than what to learn. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter4. tm (2 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 The Teacher's role in Learning Training Encourages group interaction among pupils in the classroom. Helps pupils to be aware of the wide range of strategies for language learning. Creates a learning environment where pupils feel they can experiment with their own language learning. Counsels and guide pupils when possible. Prepares the pupils to learn on their own. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter4. htm (3 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 Implementation of Training ActivitiesLearner training activities are not introduced separately but they are integr ated in the daily English Language lesson. These activities are elements woven into the â€Å"fabric† of a daily English Language lesson and have been introduced to the pupils even before SAL was introduced in the school. Components of learner training activities for SAL at the primary school level are: Bridging the gap activities Preparation of pupils for SAL Pupil Orientation of the SAC file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter4. htm (4 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4Bridging the gap activities These are activities that prepare pupils for independent learning. They are: Activities which Develop Social Skills in Pupils The pupils working in the SAC will have to share the materials and take turns to use the equipment. Teachers need to plan activities which train and develop the pupil's awareness of oneself as well as the needs of sharing materials ability to choose the kind of materials and e quipment to use and what to do should someone else chooses to use them at the same time; and responsibility for their actions. Some activities which develop pupils' social skills, are: making them group eaders when doing work giving them duties to do after practical work organising competitions to see which area is the cleanest after pupils do practical work file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter4. htm (5 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 Learner Independence Activities Such activities develop skills in the pupils to learn to take turns; to decide upon the role of leaders; to switch roles. These activities train the pupils to be independent and responsible and can be found in their textbooks.Many examples of a learner independence activity for Year 6 can be found in Exercise A Page 19 of Farida J. Ibrahim & Beatrice Thiyagarajah â€Å"Moving On With English KBSR Year 6. † D. B. P. file:///Vo lumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter4. htm (6 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 Language Awareness Activities These activities help pupils to think and understand the language. They are carried out during the English lessons. The following examples are taken from page 42 and 43 of Farida J. Ibrahim & Beatrice Thiyagarajah â€Å"Moving On With English Year 6,† D.B. P. Example 1 Guess where these people are going. Then make sentences about what they wear. Example: Hashim is going to the mosque. He wears a baju Melayu a sarung and a songkok when he goes to the mosque. Example 2 file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter4. htm (7 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 The policeman is trying to catch the thief. He talks to four men. What are their answers? file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm . my/p/sal/chapter4. htm (8 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AMSelf-Access Learning – Chapter 4 Preparation of pupils for SAL Preparing the pupils to work independently or with minimal teacher supervision would include training them to: read and understand instructional language read and follow instructions plan their own learning programmes make them aware of their learning strategies monitor their own learning â€Å"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetimes. † Confucius (551-471 BC) file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/chapter4. tm (9 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 Learner Orientation Pupils need to be familiar with the SAC and SAL materials and equipment; so they are taken to the SAC and given a guided tour of the place. During the tour these pupils are given a short quiz to familiarise themselves with the self-access learning s ystem of the school. An information sheet listing what is available and where to find it can be given to the pupils. Pupils will be given a learner's file or a SAL booklet on the first day they go to the SAC. They are asked to use that booklet till they leave the school.In this way the pupils are able to record their progress and also the change in their learning attitude. It is important to realise that learner training is a systematic and gradual process. Teachers need to give their pupils time to develop and become effective independent learners. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter4. htm (10 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE 1 Getting to know your SAC Instruction: Answer the following questions. 1. Look around you. Can you name 5 things in the SAC? __________________________________________________________ 2. Where would you go to get a green level worksheet? ________ _____________________________________________ 3. What are the colour codes found in the worksheet? _____________________________________________________ 4. If you want to look up the meaning of words, what book would you take? Where can I get it? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Label the plan of your SAC. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter4. htm (11 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE 2 Tell me about your SAC Instruction: Answer the following questions. 1. Is your SAC different from your classroom? ___________________________________________________________ 2. Are there any reading cards in your SAC? _____________________________________________________ 3. Where can you find them? _____________________________________________________ 4. Name three corners in the SAC? _____________________________________________________ 5. Whi ch corner do you like best? Why? _____________________________________________________ file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. pk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter4. htm (12 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE 3 What you can do in during the Self-Access Learning Period 1. Do you already know about the self-access learning room / corner in your school? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What kind of materials can you find in your SAL corner / room? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ile:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter4. htm (13 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 3. Can you do the following activities or use the following mat erials at the self-access learning corner / room in your school? What is their code? predicting outcomes learn more about universal truths get the meaning of words from the text itself read and solve puzzles listen to a story listen to music Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Code No. Code No. Code No. Code No. Code No. Code No. 4.Can you get help when you are working at the SAL corner / room? Who will help you? __________________________________________________________________ 5. When do you take a book during the SAL period? __________________________________________________________________ Do you play games during the SAL period? Can you list the games you can play in pairs and in groups during the SAL periods? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. Introduction to SAL (Overview) | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | SAL Booklet ile:///Volum es/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter4. htm (14 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Chapter 4 file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/chapter4. htm (15 of 15)3/31/2005 12:06:20 AM Self-Access Learning – Placement Test PLACEMENT TEST FOR FORM 4 Name Year : _____________________________________ : _____________________________________ Placement Test Before the pupils begin to use the SAL materials and equipment in the SAC, they are given a placement test to determine their English Language proficiency level.The marks they score in the test will enable them to work on the SAL materials according to the colour code. Questions are based on the skills taught that particular year. Suggested marking scheme according to SAL colour code. 0 39 marks 69 marks (Green) (Red) (Blue) 40 – 70 – 100 marks An example of Placement Test for Year 4 Questions 1 – 5 A. Name the objects below. Use the words in the box. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/placement_test. htm (1 of 10)3/31/2005 12:06:50 AM Self-Access Learning – Placement Test 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. _________________ 4. __________________ 5. __________________ Questions 6-10 B. Read the sentences below. Write them correctly beside each picture. She waters the flowers at 5 o'clock in the evening. She leaves the school at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. She reads her books at 8 o'clock at night. Rina gets up at 6 o'clock in the morning. She goes to bed at 10 o'clock at night file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/placement_test. htm (2 of 10)3/31/2005 12:06:50 AM Self-Access Learning – Placement Test 6. _______________________________ 7. _______________________________ . _______________________________ 9. _______________________________ 10. _________________ ______________ Questions 11-15 C. Give the opposites of the words below. Choose the answers from the circles. 11. bad 12. happy 13. thin – __________ __________ __________ 14. good 15. clear – ___________ ___________ file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/placement_test. htm (3 of 10)3/31/2005 12:06:50 AM Self-Access Learning – Placement Test Questions 11-15 D. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Rubber tapper butcher postman carpenter nurse 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.Pak Aman is a _________________. He sells meat at the market. My brother is a _________________. He delivers letters and parcels. Zaniah's sister is a ________________. She works in a hospital. En Hashim is a __________________. He makes furniture. My neighbour is a _________________. He works in a rubber estate. Questions 21 – 25 E. Match A and B. Write the sentences in the space provided. ___________________________________________________________ __ _____________________________________________________________ file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/placement_test. tm (4 of 10)3/31/2005 12:06:50 AM Self-Access Learning – Placement Test _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Questions 26 – 30 F. Arrange the sentences below to form a story Every evening he practises in his school field. First he runs around the field. Then he practises high jump. When it gets late, he goes home. Sham is taking part in the 100 metres race and the high jump. 26. _________________________________________________________________________ 27. ________________________________________________________________________ 28. _________________________________________________________________________ 29. ___________________________________________________ ______________________ 30. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/placement_test. htm (5 of 10)3/31/2005 12:06:50 AM Self-Access Learning – Placement Test _________________________________________________________________________ Questions 31 – 35 G. Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks with the following words. out on in near at Samad has a canary.He keeps it †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (31) the cage. He puts the cage †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (32) the cupboard. His cat sitting †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (33) the table is looking †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (34) the bird. The cat is trying to catch the bird. Samad comes †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (35) from his room and chases the cat away. Questions 36 – 40 H. Arrange the words below to make meaningful statements. 36. __________________________________________________________ file:/// Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/placement_test. htm (6 of 10)3/31/2005 12:06:50 AM Self-Access Learning – Placement Test 37. __________________________________________________________ 38. _________________________________________________________ 39. __________________________________________________________ 40. __________________________________________________________ Questions 41 – 45 A. Read and circle the correct answers. Ali's Diary SUNDAY Isa and I went to Tanjung Malim. Very hot day. Storm at night. The roof leaked. Woke up and had to move my bed. Ashiah's birthday. She had a party. A man came to look at the roof. Late for school because the bus broke down. Some men repaired the roof. Some dead birds in the roof. Dad went to Penang for two days. Helicopter crashed in Singapore.Had stomach ache in the morning. Better in the afternoon. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20 lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/placement_test. htm (7 of 10)3/31/2005 12:06:50 AM Self-Access Learning – Placement Test THURSDAY Dad returned. Uncle came. Letter from Zainal in Australia. Broke my bicycle pump. 41. Where did Isa go on Sunday? A. Pulau Pinang B. Tanjung Malim C. Singapore D. Australia 42. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Ashiah's birthday was on Sunday. B. Ali's father repaired the roof on Monday. C. Ali had stomach ache in the morning. D.Ali's uncle came from Australia. 43. What did Ali break during the week? A. His bed B. The bus C. His bicycle pump D. The roof 44. Why did Ali move his bed on Sunday night? A. It was a stormy night. B. It was very hot. file:///Volumes/GANPD/P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p/sal/placement_test. htm (8 of 10)3/31/2005 12:06:50 AM Self-Access Learning – Placement Test C. There were dead birds in the roof. D. The roof leaked. 45. The word returned in the diary means †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. A. came back B. went C. gave D. arrived Questions 46 – 50 B. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.Ahmad lived in a village. He had fifty sheep. He liked to play tricks on people. One day Ahmad took his sheep to the hill. He rested under a big tree. Suddenly he had an idea. He decided to trick the villagers. He shouted that a tiger was attacking his sheep. The villagers rushed out to help him. They did not see any tiger. They knew that Ahmad had tricked them. They were angry. One afternoon, a tiger really attacked Ahmad's sheep. He shouted for help but †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 46. How many sheep did Ahmad have? He had __________________________________________________ 47. How did he trick the villagers?He tricked them by __________________________________________ file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/placement_test. htm (9 of 10)3/31/2005 12:06:50 AM Self-Access Learning – Placement Test 48. The villagers were angry because ______________________________ ________________________________________________________ 49. Choose the best ending to the story. A. the villagers came to help him B. the villagers caught the tiger C. the villagers did not come to help him D. the villagers tricked him 50. From the story we know that Ahmad was †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. A. naughty boy. B. A hardworking boy C. A cheerful boy D. A lazy boy file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/placement_test. htm (10 of 10)3/31/2005 12:06:50 AM Self-Access Learning SELF-ACCESS LEARNING For English Language in Malaysian Primary Schools SAL BOOKLET Contents | Plan of my SAC | My learning contract | My study plan | My activity plan My evaluation sheet | My record sheet (Sample 1) | My record sheet (Sample 2) My record sheet for reading (Sample 1) | My record sheet for reading (Sample 2) Rules on the care of SAL materials and equipment ile:///V olumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/booklet. htm3/31/2005 12:07:05 AM Self-Access Learning – SALBooklet SAL BOOKLET – Contents file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/sal_booklet2. htm (1 of 13)3/31/2005 12:07:13 AM Self-Access Learning – SALBooklet PLAN OF MY SAC file:///Volumes/GANPD/P&P/kspkTM-2005/PBI/self%20access%20lg/www. ppk. kpm. my/p&p/sal/sal_booklet2. htm (2 of 13)3/31/2005 12:07:13 AM Self-Access Learning – SALBooklet